In a 2012 study of single motherhood in the United States, the advocacy group Legal Momentum found that three-quarters of homeless families are headed by a single mother.
In March, the role of the family matriarch is scrutinized in Motherhood (1960) and Days of Being Wild (1990), both tales that hinge on unpacking the complexities of mother-child relationships.
And if you throw in motherhood, the time for friends drops way down.
The authors believe the finding that women at the lowest position in the earnings distribution incur the largest earnings penalty for motherhood, regardless of marital status, merits further investigation.
Erica Jong recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal that motherhood has become a trap for the modern mom.
Dr Matthew Brett, of the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge. said there had only been limited research into the long-term effects of motherhood in humans.
This is most obvious in the fearless way in which her female narrators think about children and motherhood.
Laura Yecies, CEO of SugarSync, has some very definitive views on women, men, motherhood and getting ahead in the working world.
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Some groups, including women who have been in and out of the workforce due to motherhood, part-time workers and carers, will gain.
"If you have a conversation with women who have their pedal to the metal in the workplace and trying to excel at motherhood, you'll find that these women are juggling and they are exhausted, " he says.
Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Does it foretell the Closing of the Employment, Marriage and Motherhood Gaps?
DeParle rightly points out that single motherhood is on the rise in America, with more than 40% of births taking place outside of marriage today where only 20% did 30 years ago.
FORBES: Bad Relationships Don't Stand in Poor Women's Way. Bad Policies Do.
And in a 2010 McKinsey report, female senior executives cited the "double burden syndrome" of balancing motherhood and work as the main obstacle to women attaining more top roles in companies.
Since then, I have served as Global Patron of the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood, spoken at many forums, including the World Economic Forum in Davos, the United Nations, the World Health Assembly, and the African First Ladies Summit.
Mathias founded retail stores, Motherhood Mimi Maternity, and Pea in the Pod.
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And in the 1970s and 1980s, conservative women invoked patriotic motherhood to argue against the equal rights amendment, saying it would unhinge the structure of the family and a woman's privileged place (their argument) in American society.
What if the Lean In community or any group of feminist-minded women were to organize around the cause of single motherhood instead of the cause of their own self-congratulation?
Creating a culture of understanding of motherhood and flexibility in a small company develops the building blocks of a progressive mega-corporation.
To the chagrin of my mother, my own motherhood choices came later in life.
Understanding oxytocin may help us better understand motherhood, says Anne Campbell, a psychologist at Durham University, in the U.K., who has studied oxytocin and social behavior.
The Scandinavian countries also have long had high proportions of women in parliament, and they have some of the world's most supportive policies around motherhood, and some of the best outcomes for mothers and their children.
As in, after taking time off from her career to raise her three children, is she now experiencing the motherhood penalty?
When I took office, I launched the Presidential Initiative for Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood, a project that I hope will reverse the poor access to reproductive health services for women in my country.