While the glowing hall is pretty, it's hard to beat the lights in the night sky.
An inspiring writer and broadcaster, he gave me an interest in the night sky that has never left me.
They illuminated the piers and the masts so that they appear to be bright exclamation points lofted in the night sky.
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And when they aimed at Sirius they could see the dim white-dwarf which orbits what is the brightest star in the night sky.
In one of the most famous UFO "sightings" in U.S. history, Roswell residents in 1947 saw lights in the night sky, followed by a loud explosion.
While the solar activity often produces a magnificent aurora in the night sky, it also can interfere with satellites, aviation radar, radio signals and other electronic equipment.
On the basis of results from other methods, it has been estimated that on average, there are 1.6 planets around every star in the night sky.
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The blaze could be seen in the night sky for miles around, with flames shooting "400, 500 feet in the air, " said Tennessee Emergency Management spokesman Donnie Smith.
And once the planets lined up in their orbits, Earth would "overtake" the others, meaning that Jupiter and Saturn would appear to change direction in the night sky.
They have found a number of places, both in the night sky and in the laboratory, where the nature of space and time at the Planck scale would have indirect, but observable effects.
If a big enough one were to slam into the moon in the night sky you would think the sun was coming up early only it would be 5 to 7 times as bright.
Mir's path in the sky means it will be visible from the whole of the UK on the evening of 3 January and will put in daily appearances in the night sky over the following week.
Skip the Sundance scene and set your sights on this week's escape, where the only stars you'll see are the ones in the luminous night sky.
The image was discovered by the Wide-Field Infared Survey Explorer (WISE), which scans the night sky for lights in the infrared range to discover more about different aspects of astronomical objects.
The mountains shimmer blue when the sun hits the eucalyptus vapors from the trees, at night, the dense star patterns of the Southern Hemisphere sky also shimmer in the clearest skies, and crossing the path to your cottage at night, you may well encounter a wombat, wallaby or kangaroo the 4000 acres are filled with them.
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And all this interspersed by hours adrift on the river, planks and ropes gently creaking in the wind, the water dark and cool, the night sky clear above.
Phobos, though larger than Deimos, crosses the Martian night sky in four hours, he said.
Many want Nato's future to be - perhaps not dim - but toned down into a defensive alliance, rather than a bright force in the world, lighting up the night sky over the Middle East.
More commonly known as the Northern Lights, when the spectacle is in full flow iridescent colors dance across the Arctic night, setting the sky ablaze with a range of cosmic greens, reds and yellows.
The organization is a forum for astronomy enthusiasts in the city, but the members also aim to foster appreciation of the night sky among members of the public.
When she went outside to wait for Pam, it was still night, the stars in the sky showing like flecks of broken glass.
Recently designated a Dark Sky Reserve for its lack of light pollution and the exceptional quality of its night sky, Iveragh is one of only seven such reserves in the world and the first in the northern hemisphere to get gold-tier status, the highest possible grading issued by the International Dark-Sky Association.
People in Northumberland could soon have better views of the night sky.
The park attracts a lot of foot traffic, and the telescopes draw in curious passers-by to stop for a few moments to stare up at the night sky.
Each night it will appear slightly higher in the sky, and further to the east.
An amateur video said to be shot early Sunday in the Damascus area showed a huge ball of fire lighting up the night sky.
The astronomer Sir Patrick Moore was also awarded an honorary fellowship in recognition of his long-running BBC TV programme, The Sky at Night.
They joined the Orange men's team, which is a No. 4 seed in the East, and will play Big Sky-champion Montana on Thursday night.
Hours later, with the night sky dark, protesters re-entered the park in single file, after they were allowed back in, as long as they didn't bring camping equipment.
In many ways the mystery of the IPL added to the drama, but when all the dust of the night settled, two sensational facts stood out like a lighthouse in a darkened sky.