• And, in fact, rising real wages was the history of our country in the nineteenth century.

    FORBES: Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Frighteningly Reveals Education's Failure

  • But in the nineteenth century there were fervent nationalist campaigns in most European countries.

    NEWYORKER: Once Upon a Time

  • Compulsory schooling, introduced in the nineteenth century, pushed back the age of maturity to sixteen or so.

    NEWYORKER: Spoiled Rotten

  • When Margaret Fuller wrote Woman in the Nineteenth Century she famously suggested that women could be sea captains.

    FORBES: How To Shatter The Public Accounting Glass Ceiling ?

  • It was built in the nineteenth century by a dentist, who ran his practice from a cottage on the property.

    NEWYORKER: A Loaded Gun

  • It was only in the nineteenth century, and then only in the West, that the masses started to enjoy prosperity.

    FORBES: Capitalism In No Way Created Poverty, It Inherited It

  • There had never been epidemics of smallpox before the vaccine, but many outbreaks swept across Europe in the nineteenth century.

    FORBES: When Americans Rejected Small Pox Vaccines

  • In the nineteenth century, the Springfield Armory grew to become the single biggest supplier of long arms to the U.S. Army.

    NEWYORKER: Battleground America

  • In the nineteenth century, the Court was, if not as weak as Hamilton suggested, nowhere near as powerful as it later became.

    NEWYORKER: Benched

  • With the rise of Catholic immigration to the country in the nineteenth century, Irish and Italian Americans were attacked for their religion.

    NPR: Many Arab-Americans Still Perceived As A 'Problem'

  • In the nineteenth century, dogfighting was widely accepted by the American public.

    NEWYORKER: Offensive Play

  • We led the world in the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, and we lead the world again in computer and biotech revolutions.

    FORBES: Policy Debates On Patents Should Focus On Facts, Not Rhetoric

  • In the nineteenth century, the thrilling possibility that we have company in the universe was, for most people, overshadowed by an existential crisis.

    NEWYORKER: The Cosmic Menagerie

  • Many travellers ventured on to the Silk Roads drawn by the attractions of trade, adventure and also knowledge and, in the nineteenth century, by new archaeological discoveries.

    UNESCO: Culture

  • He studied architecture in Europe, late in the nineteenth century, then returned to his native New York and made a small fortune developing new neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens.

    NEWYORKER: Brooklyn Circle

  • In the nineteenth century, the French helped Southern secessionists and would have recognized their independent Confederacy had timely and decisive Union victories not made it clear which side would prevail.


  • If you write or study the history of American foreign policy in the nineteenth century or the the twentieth century, there is surely a role for the U.S. relationship with India.

    WHITEHOUSE: The U.S.-India Economic Relationship in the 21st Century

  • In the nineteenth century, a college degree was generally not required for admission to law school or medical school, and most law students and medical students did not bother to get one.

    NEWYORKER: Live and Learn

  • The few men that he still controlled were encamped at several different bases around the city, but his real power emanated from the Bala Hissar, or Castle Greyskull as we called it, a massive fortification built by the British in the nineteenth century in the middle of Gardez.

    NPR: Sergeant Notes Odd Rituals of War in Afghanistan

  • And while no mind-boggling fortunes like those of Rockefeller and Carnegie were created by this second-tier (those levels would not be reached again until the Bill Gates era), the wealth that was created was nothing to sneeze at (and was much larger, in aggregate, than the wealth created for and by the Robber Barons in the nineteenth century).

    FORBES: Entrepreneurs are the New Labor: Part III

  • It is no insult to young Paolini to say that his books are effectively co-written with Tolkien, any more than it is an insult to Chatterton-Rowley to say that his had a co-author in Macpherson-Ossian or, for that matter, that virtually all medieval-minded historical novels in the nineteenth century, including some very good ones, were produced jointly with Sir Walter Scott.

    NEWYORKER: The Dragon��s Egg

  • The center was in a big bleak house built in the early nineteenth century, isolated in a dip in the middle of the moors, beside a river.

    NEWYORKER: She��s the One

  • Patented in the U.S. in the mid-nineteenth century, the first postcard was created for the world fair in Chicago in 1893.

    CNN: Can postcards survive in the digital age?

  • The Cocolo dancing drama tradition developed among descendants of British Caribbean slaves who had come to the Dominican Republic in the mid-nineteenth century to work in the sugar fields.

    UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • You suspect that Busoni is mocking the bravura Romantic concerto as it emerged in the later nineteenth century, and, more widely, satirizing the gargantuan, post-Wagnerian apparatus of the music of his day.

    NEWYORKER: The Monster Concerto

  • Carharrt, the workwear apparel brand, was founded in Detroit, Michigan in the late nineteenth century and originally made rugged clothing for railroad workers.

    FORBES: Carharrt x Chrysler: Imported From Detroit

  • On the white-painted ceiling high above I could see the brown stains where water had found its way in past winters through cracks in the nineteenth-century lead roof and had dripped into buckets and bowls hastily placed on the floor.

    NPR: Cockburn's 'Broken Boy,' a Memoir of Survival

  • As the Prussians fought the French in the middle of the nineteenth century, they were forced to completely overhaul their military organization, tactics and doctrine in response to their defeats.

    FORBES: How to Win the Long Economic War: Five Fundamental Strategies

  • In the early nineteenth century the Prussian military with guidance from strategists Karl von Clausewitz established a military general staff.

    FORBES: Business and Government: Different Beasts Entirely!

  • Leland Stanford was a Republican governor and senator in the late nineteenth century, who made a fortune from the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads, which he had helped to found.

    NEWYORKER: Get Rich U.

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