If it is twisted in the opposite direction, the particle has the opposite charge.
Your plan of early detection is a very good one and goes in the opposite direction.
Underneath the Velcro-scarred acrylic are two springs that measure force in the opposite direction.
ENGADGET: vi-RABT improves ankle rehabilitation with virtual reality and robotics
But Dagestan has gone in the opposite direction and is gripped by instability and violence.
Webb, CEO of growth and strategy firm Lassen Innovation, decided to go in the opposite direction.
Eventually we headed back to base, and the motorcyclists drove off in the opposite direction.
They would be traded in exchange for England players moving in the opposite direction.
If we work in the opposite direction, the typical teen-ager of today, with an I.
If Suzuki tends to play it too cool, Gardiner can err in the opposite direction.
The gunman appears to slow down as he passes another taxi travelling in the opposite direction.
Then, at the same place, bend it back to form a right-angle in the opposite direction.
Those investors might now wish they had run in the opposite direction from Bumi PLC.
The 25-year-old rider collided with a Chilean police car that was travelling in the opposite direction.
This retrenchment was offset, and made possible, by a dramatic fiscal swing in the opposite direction.
If you pushed on an open door in space, it would push you in the opposite direction.
First, its orbit appears to run in the opposite direction from those of the nine known planets.
Dozens of "inverse" ETFs move in the opposite direction of their underlying index or basket of securities.
But at some point, the pendulum reaches an extreme and begins to swing in the opposite direction.
Commodities also tend to move in the opposite direction to the dollar, which has risen of late.
The downward slope becomes the same self-fulfilling prophecy that the upslope represented, just in the opposite direction.
FORBES: Apple's Ups And Downs Are A Classic Study In Momentum Investing
But this evidence of a tightening labour market is outweighed by data pointing in the opposite direction.
Congress always swings the pendulum too far in the opposite direction in reaction to these sorts of things.
This ETF is designed to move double in the opposite direction of the euro relative to the dollar.
For our second partner, we decided to go in the opposite direction, and choose a multibillion-dollar international corporation.
That, in turn, induces a magnetic field oriented in the opposite direction to the field created by Jupiter.
At this stage it is believed that deal is not dependant on Lescott moving in the opposite direction.
And former Leeds full-back Richie Mathers, 25, has moved in the opposite direction as part of the deal.
Although it is more nuanced, Britain often seems to be travelling in the opposite direction to the rest.
It then hit the tractor, which was travelling in the opposite direction, before crashing into Mr Moss's car.
We'd still prefer something like Cingular's FastForward cradle, which forwards calls in the opposite direction, from cellphone to landline.
ENGADGET: Device lets UK cellphone customers forward calls on the cheap