He spoke after the European Commission warned that Turkey's bid to join the EU could be complicated by its delay in passing the penal code.
BBC: The adultery clause triggered heated debate in Turkey
But the final appeals court supported an argument put forward by Mr Berlusconi's lawyers that there may be a constitutional flaw in the reformed penal code.
ECONOMIST: Italy, its prime minister and the law
Senegal has ratified international conventions for the protection of women's rights, and voted in 1999 a law, which amended the Penal Code by introducing other forms of violence and emphasizing sanctions.
To get this far, Turkey has taken such dramatic steps as abolishing the death penalty, accepting Kurdish as a language in schools, scrapping state security courts, revising the penal code and tightening civilian control over the army.
ECONOMIST: Better late than never | The
Since the reform of Italy's penal code in 1989, trials have been transferred very rarely to new jurisdictions, because the circumstances in which that can happen are narrowly defined, partly to prevent defendants from shopping around for favourable judges.
ECONOMIST: Italy, its prime minister and the law
Currently, the punishment for rape in India's penal code can range from seven years to life imprisonment, though courts can levy lesser sentences.
WSJ: Indian Rape Victim's Death Stirs Outrage and Resolve
The Malaysian Penal Code was drafted in 1936.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek
Given Mr Erdogan's reputation as a savvy politician, there is puzzlement in Ankara over why he shifted his ground on the penal code so abruptly.
ECONOMIST: Will Turkey accept Europe? | The
Being gay in India can get one thrown into jail in this country because of a section of the Indian Penal Code (Section 377) which criminalizes same-sex relationships.
CNN: In the Field
In his first term, Mr Menem packed the Supreme Court, and pushed through a new code on penal procedure that allowed him to name more than 50 senior judges and prosecutors.
ECONOMIST: Argentina: Death and corruption | The