The victim's father, Diran Lin, has been present in the courtroom at times but is reported to have left during presentation of the most graphic evidence.
In response Jack Pitney pointed out that leadership almost always seems to be in crisis, if only because people usually think times are more dire in the present than they ever were in the past, which is almost never true.
Of the many palenques that existed in former times, only San Basilio has survived until the present day.
The IAEA said that before the war it inspected the Al Qaqaa facility multiple times and verified that the material was present in January 2003.
"The Piombo brand seeks to bring the culture of other times and places to the present, " says the designer in rapid-fire Italian.
Entrepreneurial leadership has its greatest impact in times of uncertainty and change, like the present.
In the Illinois state senate, Senator Obama voted 130 times present.
It is not foolish, however, to delve into previous history and monetary principles in the search for an investment strategy most suited to these present times of monetary chaos.
FORBES: Despair and Hope Beyond Chairman Bernanke's Monetary Cliff
In other words, for the same present cost, more than three times as much could be cut from the world's total CO2 emission by waiting a couple of decades.
Mudiyettu serves as an important cultural site for transmission of traditional values, ethics, moral codes and aesthetic norms of the community to the next generation, thereby ensuring its continuity and relevance in present times.
It emerged he had visited his office at the Ministry of Defence 22 times in a year-and-a-half and was present on 18 overseas trips, including two family holidays and trips to Singapore, Dubai, Florida, Bahrain, Israel, Washington, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka.
BBC: 'Naive' Werritty admits mistakes over links to Liam Fox
President Obama, for his part, should take the perspective that in tough times we need to pull together rather than separately, and help each other get through the present difficulties.
Times are somewhat grand in commodity-rich locales at present, but as has historically been the case, U.S. monetary authorities eventually wake up to their monetary errors, and when they do, the commodities priced in dollars will fall substantially, and with it, a lot of production that was made to appear viable by the illusion of a falling dollar.
FORBES: The Money Illusion That Drives Today's Texas and Canada Hype