Ms. Sun, his spokeswoman, said the money was intended to be used in the presidential campaign.
Finding new sources of energy has been a recurring issue in the presidential campaign.
The timetable for withdrawal has become a key issue in the presidential campaign.
All week, helping homeowners and fixing the economy have been the dominant issues in the presidential campaign.
It was over the role and power of unions, which could be a big issue in the presidential campaign.
In it, Obama addresses the role race has played in the presidential campaign.
Gasoline prices have been political fodder in the presidential campaign and other electionraces.
Why is this not a front and center issue in the presidential campaign?
There is no doubt that in 2012, the GOP expects to lock up all 10 states in the presidential campaign.
The shortage of vaccine has been an issue in the presidential campaign.
As she did in the presidential campaign, Palin electrified her audience in Nashville by credibly channeling the populist impulses of American voters.
There are no returns in yet from New Hampshire, but we think it's safe to declare the official word of this week in the presidential campaign.
Medicare became a focal point in the presidential campaign this week after presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney tapped the Wisconsin congressman to be his running mate.
Although Kerry has thus far not been as effective in the presidential campaign at counterpunching and redirecting the conversation, he may once again get some help in doing that.
Most of the establishment Republicans it helped to upset in primaries in 2010 were the victims of low turnouts and peculiar circumstances unlikely to be repeated in the presidential campaign.
The issue may now arise in the presidential campaign.
ECONOMIST: Forty years after the murder of Martin Luther King
One of the officials acknowledged that Raimondo "certainly was well aware of the dust-up" the planned appointment had caused in the presidential campaign and in the broader debate with Democrats over Bush's economic policies.
It had a counterpart on the Democratic side, a group started by former Obama staffers called Priorities USA. Both raised tens of millions of dollars, which they spent on dueling ads in the presidential campaign.
And third, John Kerry, Mr Bush's Democratic rival in the presidential campaign, has failed to gain any traction from the scandal: polls still have him neck-and-neck with the president, as voters continue to consider him aloof.
This must have been a point Marchionne really wanted to make, because despite the increasingly crucial place in the presidential campaign that has come to be occupied by the auto bailouts, both GM and Chrysler executives have been nearly completely mum about it.
FORBES: Romney Needs A New Chrysler Strategy In Ohio And Michigan
As Medicare has been thrust into the forefront as a key issue in the presidential campaign, the dramatically different approaches to how the nation should move forward with the critical Medicaid program have been given far less attention by the media and the public.
FORBES: Who Do You Think Is Benefitting From Medicaid? You May Be Surprised
In the second presidential campaign debate Oct. 11 between Bush and his Democratic rival in the U.S. presidential election, Vice President Al Gore, Bush attacked Gore over Clinton administration's ties with Russia.
Woodcock, a political activist who threw the support of his million-member-plus union behind Democrat Jimmy Carter in the 1976 presidential campaign, was rewarded with the post of U.S. liaison to China in 1977 and two years later became full-fledged ambassador when relations were normalized between the two nations.
And Robert Traynham, he is a political strategist for the GOP here in Washington and potentially on the presidential campaign trail in the future.
In the great Front Porch Campaign of 1896, William Jennings Bryan engaged in the first modern presidential campaign, complete with modern campaign tactics, traveling around the country, giving over 600 speeches, on the clear premise that he was pursuing the position.
FORBES: On The Incentives Of Those Who Govern: A Historical Look
She likes being in the public eye and she clearly reveled in the attention that the presidential campaign brought her.
Mr Cheney led the firm between 1995 and 2000, and Halliburton's operations in Iraq have become an issue in the presidential election campaign.
The obstetrician-turned- congressman from southeast Texas has become an unlikely celebrity in the 2008 presidential campaign.
In the 1992 presidential campaign, Republicans and Democrats stumped on their support for family-friendly policies, including telecommuting.