He therefore memorised in the night quiet each one of his hundreds of poems, carefully revised it for several days, and mentally filed it away.
ECONOMIST: Nguyen Chi Thien
Of course, finding the rhythm in Vienna can also mean a quiet stroll through the Baroque streets at night, a meander along the banks of the Danube or just stirring a cup of coffee in a cafe.
BBC: Finding your rhythm in Vienna
If you live near a busy international airport, it could be very noisy, but usually in the dead of night, it gets quiet.
CNN: Gary Tuchman: No letup in coalition air campaign
Despite the public image of a politician in perpetual motion, Mr Sarkozy can be found in this book in quiet contemplation, staring blankly out of a window, or into the night.
ECONOMIST: Nicolas Sarkozy
This is a question that many leaders ask themselves in quiet moments, often in the middle of the night.
FORBES: Four Rules for Leading with Purpose
He has a quiet meal and a shower, but instead of packing it in for the night, he packs a bag and, as midnight approaches, heads to the airport to board a private jet.
FORBES: Magazine Article