People from the other tables had gone to bed: in the sudden silence we distinctly heard the deep roar of a serac, like the bones of a giant trying in vain to turn over in his bed of rock.
The crowd erupted in a roar that has reverberated down the years and generations to the election of Barack Obama as the 44th president, but also to countless individual dreams realized in the slow march to racial equality.
FORBES: Go Behind The Dream: How Martin Luther King's Great Speech Happened
And though consumer prices have risen a bit this year, it would be hard to make the case that inflation is about to roar anywhere in the developed world.
The engineers have done a beautiful job with wind and tire noise, opting for big acoustic blankets in the wheel wells, which quelled the roar coming from our test car's 19-inch summer tires.
Later, Chavez's coffin traveled down the street in a black hearse, to the roar of thousands of admirers.
I, for one, hid my head in my arms at the roar of a plane that flew too close (and even now, I frequently still do).
The spirit of Quentin Tarantino hangs over the film as the men roar across Germany in a stolen car with the police and a pair of gangsters in pursuit.
The bell goes with me in second place, that magical ting-a-ling that always draws a roar from the crowd and puts speed in the stride of every runner.
He was equally unhappy about the annual Paris-Dakar motor rally in which dozens of rugged vehicles roar through the Sahara, churning up the sands.
The Notre Dame All-America linebacker was chosen sixth in the second round by the Chargers, drawing a loud roar from the fans at Radio City Music Hall.
"I am laying on my back, clutching the ball, looking up at a bunch of red helmets peering down at me and hearing a bunch of cuss words over the roar of the 80, 000 people in the stadium, " said Robin Weber, the second-stringer who made the catch that lives on in Notre Dame lore.
The second-half was disrupted by three pitch invaders, including one streaker sprinting across the Roar goal line clad only in a Celtic scarf, but Mowbray was pleased with the workout.
"We've seen the major drug stocks go out of favor before, only to roar back with huge gains in the ensuing years, " writes George Putnam , editor of The Turnaround Letter.
The roar of industry in one of these towns, Tangshan, has quieted to a hum recently.
One man told he was still in his car when he heard the roar of the plane just overhead.
In concert, the full band can roar like Sonic Youth, whisper like Elliott Smith and work the crowd like Lil Wayne.
The microphones previously used in the helmets of racecar drivers picked up too much engine roar and not enough of the driver's speech.
You can circumnavigate the entire island in half a day, and would be unlikely to hear the roar of a single engine.
The storm barreled in that night and held us in a terrifying embrace for many hours, sounding like the roar of a dozen freight engines bearing down.
The ground shakes when buses roar by, and his strings are barely audible in the orchestra of horns, trucks and sirens.
The only worry, admits Igor Zajec, Slovenia's dapper transport minister, is that lorries will roar through the country in a couple of hours.
The roar of revving engines in high-net-worth autos ranging from a 1913 Isotta Fraschini IM to a token modern concept car reverberated through our bones as we awaited the start of the Louis Vuitton Classic Serenissima Run.
FORBES: On the Road With The Louis Vuitton Classic Serenissima Run
To take another, in December the first of two ten-megawatt diesel generators is due to roar to life in Kandahar's provincial capital, providing more reliable electricity to its 800, 000 citizens.
There's not much more to it than that, and a quick stab at the ignition, a first-time roar from the exhaust and we're off, in search of the Joshua Tree National Park and a little bit of extremeweather testing.
But Heller can almost hear the cannons roar, the whinnying of horses and the screams of wounded men in both gray and blue uniforms.
David paused before he opened the back door, enjoying a moment alone in the humming dark that was always nervous with the noise from the motorway: not a roar, but a thin murmur of movement that sucked substance from everything it reached.
School board chairman Albert Christman said the policy has got "everybody up in a roar".
Because of that dead butterfly history changed, in a whisper or a roar, all down the aeons of time.
Louisville coach Rick Pitino, the first coach to win national championships at different schools, gave the record crowd another reason to roar in his postgame interview.