It was the first time the brothers have competed in the same final of a major championship, Kevin as underdog and Jonathan as the man to beat after running the fastest time in the earlier rounds and breaking the Belgian record in the process.
Rae has praised the efforts of those involved in the running of the club but says the time has come when they can no longer manage on their own.
Bolt has won the 200m in London for the last two years, including running 19.76 seconds in 2008 to record the fastest time ever over that distance in Britain.
However well-developed your story is it will go to waste if it can't be told in the 50-second running time.
The CX480 also comes with MSI's own boot up technology which gets it up and running in half the time required by conventional laptops.
ENGADGET: MSI formally unveils 14-inch CX480 laptop, stops short of naming a price
Energy and Mining Minister Youcef Yousfi, who a day earlier insisted Algeria can keep its gas facilities secure without foreign forces' help, said he believes the targeted gas facility will be back running "in the shortest possible time" and that foreign workers will soon return.
West Midlands Police still want to speak to a white male, aged between 25 and 32, seen in CCTV footage running in nearby Wyndcliffe Road about the time the stabbing occurred.
In Africa, it is the second year of improvement running, and, for the first time in 10 years, the number of African rhinos has risen above 11, 000.
Huang showed the crowd Need for Speed: Most Wanted running in real-time on the device.
The king still reigns, and he'll be running the 200m in a few days time...
It had been expected the engine would be running in time to participate in last year's Olympic torch relay but the NRM was forced to withdraw it.
Officially, this remains a rescue not a recovery mission but the grim reality is that it is more than three days since anyone was found alive in the debris and time is running out.
BBC: New Zealand quake: UK search-and-rescue team optimistic
In the same season he also ran inside the qualifying time for the 2008 Beijing Olympics - running 10.00 seconds in the 100 meters, just three one-hundredths of a second off his personal best - but failed in his bid to revoke his lifetime Olympic ban through the British courts.
Prime Minister Maliki spoke to the nation for about half an hour, repeating the same points time and again: The situation in Baghdad is bad, Iraqis are suffering and time is running out.
McLaren tested their car for the first time in December, while Williams have been running since the beginning of this month.
BBC: Schmacher insists he is confident in Bridgestone's tyres
More and more people now work together not in office blocks running the old 9 to 5, but in their own time and from their own homes and collaborative workspaces, spread far and wide across the globe.
Now, she came into the trials without running a 10, 000 meters in the required Olympic qualifying time of 31 minutes and 45 seconds.
"Now, you see (disabled athletes) running in the park all the time, " Traum said.
The housing ministry was unable to get new software for the new system running in time.
He said he was confident everything would be up and running in time for the expected influx of visitors and plans to invite showmen from across the country to bring rides to the site.
Representative Harold Ford, who's running for the Senate, has a commercial running in which he announces, you know, it's time to start bringing the troops home and that he's in a difficult spot because, you know, he's running in a state that's been dominated by the Republican Party.
After three of the four days of running, Schumacher has set the fastest time in Jerez with a lap he recorded on the second day.
"I'm not saying that the human race is imminently doomed but it's also clear that the clock is ticking and time is running out in order to take action to avoid the escalating damages which could make the whole process unstoppable, " he told CNN.
Garland was the only director to have had four plays running in the West End of London at the same time.
It's the first time that Howell has had to irrigate in the 40 years running the farm.
Last month the two countries' diplomats met, for the first time, to discuss their long-running disputes in the Aegean.
ECONOMIST: Tentatively, two old enemies are beginning to co-operate
He has worked in Silicon Valley since 1981, putting in time at Digital Research and running one of the few longtime software survivors, Symantec, from 1983 to 1999.
As recently as mid-January, with the economy running better than at any time in a generation, polls showed an increasing number of Americans content with the status quo.
In 1996, when Bill Clinton was running for president for the second time, and Tony Blair was the opposition leader in Great Britain, getting ready for the election that was to make him Prime Minister, Blair made a trip to the White House to meet with Clinton.
FORBES: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and the Future of the World
The Corkman already has the qualifying time for the Olympic Marathon after running 2:10 in New York in 2002.