Erickson was never one to spend a lot of time in the studio playing the same song over and over again, so Sheff took a different approach.
But please don't think that UKIP is just some little pressure group that will go away because someone in Downing Street starts singing the same song.
While many bands resort to pulling out a couple of ballads per album to tap into its softer sound, Dear and the Headlights manages to slip in and out of this sense of serenity within the same song, which is much more dynamic and intriguing.
NPR: Dear and the Headlights: 'I'm Not Crying. You're Not Crying, Are You?
And then in the same era, there was another song by the Funkadelics that was called "Free Your Mind" and your behind will follow.
Right or wrong, what Apple believers say today is the same song that got sung in 1999.
It had been filmed walking in circles outside the same church while playing a contentious song on 12 July.
Camborne Hill was the venue for the carriage's test-run, on Christmas Eve - an event celebrated in a well-known Cornish folk song of the same name.
The song featured in the motion picture of the same name was nominated for an Academy Award.
Stokely Carmichael sang from the same song sheet and did so not in Algeria but on US college campuses such as George Washington University and Harvard beginning in 1970.
The same song on repeat can be played 20 times in one commute.
"Same song, a different day, " said Mario, who was in the pits at Indy on Sunday.
The first wine I encountered was Pommery Champagne, stacked in a pile of boxes across from an automatic player piano, which kept unspooling the same unidentifiable song.
WSJ: Big-Box Barolo? The Wine Surprises of Costco | On Wine by Lettie Teague
The vicissitudes of show biz, especially its artistic uncertainties, social demands and precarious economics, are vividly brought out in A Ship Without A Sail (the title is from a Rodgers and Hart song by the same name).
FORBES: Carole King, Woody Guthrie, Lorenz Hart and the Flowering of American Songwriting