But Wall Street isn't so sure about future sales growth, at least in the short term.
In the short term, ministers believe, Britain would gain nothing from standing in its neighbours' path.
The nation faces two big challenges: In the short term, the economy is still extremely fragile.
Yun believes the angioplasty, while helping in the short term, reinitiates the trauma response.
This borrowing binge will enrich investors in the short term ( see Ken Fisher's column).
In the short term, keeping the minimum wage from declining in real terms would help.
But also in the short term, not everyone in the world will welcome this.
As urban migration continues apace, these figures are only expected to rise in the short term.
CNN: Could big cities lead the fight against climate change?
In the short term the Higg Index is an assessment tool built for product assessment.
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But in the short term they may take advantage of their freedom to raise them.
Private-sector wage cuts needed to restore Greece's competitiveness will make things worse in the short term.
But even that modest-sounding goal is virtually impossible, at least in the short term.
And in the short term, regional governments, companies and households are paying down debts.
Drastically cutting federal aid could--at least in the short term--dash many kids' college plans.
In the short term, this abundance of bearish bets could translate into options-related support for YHOO.
But the technology will not be coming to all regions, at least in the short term.
"We'd be back to the drawing board, but only in the short term, " he says.
All this will stimulate in the short term and set the stage for long-term growth.
At least in the short term, time and events are not on Mr Orban's side.
Myth No. 2: The Bush-Cheney tax cuts help America's economy in the short term.
In the short term, of course, Pfizer will make out like a bandit with this strategy.
It may be more attractive to small businesses than nontechnical consumers in the short term.
Of course, sprucing up the balance sheet in the short term only takes you so far.
Others said the metals still could add to recent gains in the short term.
Negative advertising may work in the short term, but it will hurt in the long term.
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In the short term, I see opportunities for both the bears and the bulls.
In the short term Saudi spare capacity is an important factor in oil prices.
Why would anything that reduces economic activity in the short term be good for the economy?
The latest GDP data is likely to revive such speculation in the short term.
In the short term, though, cheaper oil would be beneficial for the world economy.