In the sitting room, the children had drawn the curtains against the daylight.
Kidder, however, has already moved on to preparations for a dinner for three that Smith is hosting in the sitting room.
Anyone too tired or overwhelmed to carry on doing this in the sitting room could continue in bed, without missing a scene.
Mr Kerins, 49, was shot dead at his home in 2012 as he was watching television in the sitting room of his home at Cornaveigh near Bailieborough.
Even in the channels where women are not the target audience, it is not unusual to see a woman sitting in the development room.
This tactic has several advantages: The Fritzes can continue to enjoy the paintings in their sitting room, at least part of the year, for a decade.
Before every test begins, the proctor asks the test taker to pan the room with their web camera, said Jarrod Morgan, a vice president at Proctor U. During that sweep, proctors see all sorts of things: answers on Post-it Notes taped to the computer screen, another person sitting in the room, a second laptop open to Google.
It was on the night of that elimination in April, sitting in the Bernabeu's press room, that Mourinho dropped the clearest hint of a return.
Entering the house, huffing and puffing, I saw my brother sitting in the room.
Yet the hopeless way they wrote them off as if no young, single women were sitting in the room grew tedious.
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You might be reading this from the office, sitting on the living room couch, or sitting in a Starbucks.
The amazing thing is that I can remember their phone numbers, Pereda thought, sitting in the dark living room of his house.
Whenever he came home, he found her in the living room, sitting up straight on the couch.
Mother was sitting in the living room talking to me, telling me what a wonderful man Father was.
Under this model, a family could be sitting in the same room but watch different videos on personal tablets or phones.
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Sitting in the room, the message you felt from the seven-time Cy Young Award winner was pure resentment at being there at all.
Karar gestures at everyone sitting in the room sweating and he finally answers my question about what he thinks of the U.S. election.
CNN: War-scarred Baghdad places little faith in U.S. election
It suddenly struck me that I was sitting in the tiniest room in a BBC studio without quite understanding how big this interview was.
Louboutin was sitting in the central room of his design offices, in a two-story building that one enters through a courtyard hidden from the street.
And some of those acts involved Mr. Petrocelli's client, Jeff Skilling, being in the room, sitting right next to him and participating in those acts.
All of my family is OK. We are sitting in the living room, some are drinking tea, some are drinking milk, waiting for Dad to come back.
"I did some research on this before coming here, and I found out that her claim was fraudulent, " he says, sitting in the front room of his spartan home.
Sitting in the dining room of his small flat in the orthodox town of Bnei Brak, close to Tel Aviv, Rabbi Luft explains his preference for traditional, even sombre, Jewish tunes like Kol Nidrei.
He spoke of a bureaucracy so inept that his case manager could not find him for several weeks, although he was sitting in the outpatient room where he had been sent.
"We need a host with personality but not too much personality, "muses Wagner, sitting in the dining room of the swank Beverly Hills Hotel, where the transplanted Hoosier was staying during a recent visit.
Sitting in the room where the hospital workers also sleep, Kassig stares up at the TV screen, always following with everyone else the news in Syria, image after image of death and destruction.
Not that this matters much, as "The Audience, " at London's Gielgud Theatre, is a vehicle for the country's favorite actress, Helen Mirren, and also for the designer, Bob Crowley, who wows us with his replicas of the infinitely receding columns of Buckingham Palace and a sitting-room in the queen's Scottish castle, Balmoral.
WSJ: Review: Taking Tea with the Figurehead | 'The Audience' at the Gielgud Theatre in London
That way your warranty is not being used even if the TV is sitting in the basement till the new media room is finished.
It's a humid afternoon, and the biggest soccer superstar of his generation is sitting in a windowless room in the basement of a New York City loft, dressed in slim gray jeans and a white T-shirt revealing the dark sleeves of tattoos on his forearms.