The flash in the sky was also seen from Kanchanaburi province to the west of the capital.
The sun is beginning to sink in the sky, bathing the South Bank in a golden glow.
Not some pie in the sky proposal that may pay dividends years down the road.
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The viaduct occupies the air and lingers in the sky, only lightly tethered to the ground.
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So we put an aeroplane in the sky pulling a banner saying "Vote Yes"!
And Mattie felt it was her own sooty life drifting away in the sky.
The owners sitting in the sky boxes were visioning a very, merry, upcoming year.
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Each night it will appear slightly higher in the sky, and further to the east.
At least there seems to be a healthy market for beds in the sky.
Until then, all the great science in the world may be just pie in the sky.
The orbiting network in the sky connects to Earth via some 16 operational ground stations.
And if a spacecraft is visible in the sky, you'll be told where to find it.
Smarter young execs banging out proposals and closing deals 30, 000 feet in the sky.
Mr. JERMAINE JACKSON: When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by if you smile.
"All this talk of a town center is pie in the sky, " he says.
The weather was gray again, with muck in the sky from the Pearl River Delta factories.
Mr French said one of the "Spy in the Sky" planes had been completed.
Ms. LENA HORNE (Entertainer): (Singing) Dont know why there's no sun up in the sky.
The unavoidable fact is that America is hurtling towards gridlock and potential disaster in the sky.
Some of the scaffolding-like material remained standing, reaching about 50 feet in the sky.
However, when we show them just the bright stars in the sky, they get lost.
The project involves turning an ordinary business jet into a sophisticated eye in the sky.
It can circle in the sky for hours, using sensors to track even a moving target.
Erick climbed into the rigs, with their rooms full of dials and levers in the sky.
These particles burn up in our planet's atmosphere, leaving behind brief, bright streaks in the sky.
Skating in the Sky is the synthetic rink inside the John Hancock Observatory, 94 stories up.
More important still, there in the sky was a miniature Copernican system, visible to the aided eye.
"It's like when the hot and cold come together in the sky you get thunder, " he said.
The North Star was as legible and unwavering in the water as it was in the sky.
"Let's punch a hole in the sky, " says one before a launch, unaware of his comment's corniness.