With the first period half over, the student took direct aim and hit one classmate in the 28-student classroom in the science building of Taft Union High School in Taft, California, authorities said.
The office of The Daily Californian used to be in Eshelman Hall, right next to the student union.
Wattendorf, a senior at Northern Virginia's super-selective Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, stood before prospective members of its Black Student Union in the fall and introduced himself as the club's president.
To qualify for the reduced tuition fee at Oxford or Cambridge, for example, a student has to live in the European Union for the last three years of high school.
Filatov was a student in Minsk when the Soviet Union fell and recalls being stunned by the news that his country didn't exist anymore.
The university staff union, the UCU, warned that the growth in student numbers needed to be matched by increased investment in higher education.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Overseas students 'one in seven'
The report shows that even though funding for higher education in the UK is above the average for the European Union, the amount per student has fallen.
This can mean more hours studying in the library and fewer gab fests at the student union.
It says trade unions and the student union were not "properly involved in the outsourcing decisions", and that they "continue to feel excluded from the decision-making processes".
He majored in electronic machinery manufacture, and was elected chairman of the Qinghua Student Union.
It backed the National Union of Students' student fees pledge which stated any rise in fees in England and Wales would be detrimental to the interests of Scottish universities.
The student body, the National Union of Students-Union of Students in Ireland (NUS-USI), said the proposals would mean thousands of 16 to 19-year-olds would not be able to continue in education.
In their memory, the Soviet Union has never existed, and is about as scary as the student union.
It calls on ministers to press for sufficient European Union funds to maintain and expand the Erasmus-Socrates programme, which sets up student exchanges in Europe.