And founded in the teeth of opposition from the Tory party and the Tory press.
Peregrine Fellowes married her "in the teeth of his family's opposition, " Fellowes fils says.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Julian Fellowes: The Anti-Snobbery of 'Downton Abbey'
Both Britain and France abolished the death penalty in the teeth of strong popular opposition.
Meanwhile, Japan is scaling back its foreign aid programme in the teeth of a domestic recession.
Mr Bush supported immigration reform in the teeth of opposition from congressional Republicans.
Yet, if talking about Korea is awkward now, it will be even more fraught in the teeth of a crisis.
Mr Abbas only reluctantly agreed in the teeth of opposition from many in the Palestinian leadership (though not, apparently, Mr Arafat).
Another project being carried out at the lab is looking at the signals of juvenile development left in the teeth of fossil hominids.
And in the teeth of the biggest contraction the TV industry has ever seen, the cast is being handed what amounts to a gift.
They were about raising interest rates to double figures to confront inflation, and raising taxes, in the teeth of high and rising unemployment, in 1981.
Breezy Point in Queens was the scene of horrific destruction by fire in the teeth of the storm, with as many as 100 homes destroyed.
FORBES: #Sandy Relief and Recovery: How You Can Help [Updated]
With a Republican legislature, Mr Bush instead made Florida the only state to adopt an entire bundle of reforms simultaneously, in the teeth of the teachers' unions.
They are in any case sceptical that Spain can meet its targets for cutting the deficit in the teeth of a recession that is harsher than expected.
Michael Dukakis, a former governor, tried to fix health care 20 years ago, but the law he pushed through the legislature eventually came undone in the teeth of business opposition.
If the capture vessels had to leave in the teeth of a hurricane, there would be a system for injecting dispersants into any oil that spilled out of the risers.
Other Latin Americans have recently shown similar conservatism at times of economic stress inspired by events abroad: Argentines in 1995 re-elected President Carlos Menem in the teeth of a recession.
While Tony Blair believes that this is best driven through by central diktat and rigid targets, in the teeth of opposition from the public service professionals, our approach will be different.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech
But advocates of mayors and more local-government powers have yet to make that case in the teeth of recent evidence that Britain's cities are capable of thriving even with feeble local democracy.
In addition, the Bush team says that to count the ballots would be to grant the remedy before the verdict (or, now, to grant the remedy in the teeth of the verdict).
Possibly more satisfying than medals was that Malaysia did do it, putting on the largest sporting event outside the Olympics in the teeth of economic disruption and political turmoil with only a few glitches.
To lose, on a 43-point swing, a Senate seat that has been in Democratic hands since 1953 takes some doing, even in the teeth of the worst recession since the 1930s (see article).
But the far bigger problem is health entitlements, and the Democrats, having only just conducted an enormous health-care reform in the teeth of Republican opposition, are deeply reluctant to do anything that might reopen that deal.
It will be hard, James, but you come from sturdy, peasant stock, men who picked cotton and dammed rivers and built railroads, and, in the teeth of the most terrifying odds, achieved an unassailable and monumental dignity.
But, as opinion polls have found, and Mr Netanyahu apparently missed, a good half of the country was uncomfortable with his decision to exercise that claim right now, at Har Homa, in the teeth of Palestinian, other Arab and international opposition.
It's unusual for a procedural issue of this kind to become as charged as this one has - Mr Tyrie has let it be known that he would not wish to chair a committee that did not command all-party support, but the government seems keen to press ahead in the teeth of Labour opposition.
Other members of the white collar defense bar once served in the Department of Justice, where they cut their teeth in the very types of prosecutions they came to oppose as defense attorneys.
Along with the increase in brain size came a reduction in the size of the teeth and face along with other changes in the skull.
BBC: Conflict and 'boom-bust' explain humans' rapid evolution
Study leader Prof Paul Sharpe said mesenchyme cells could be found in the pulp of wisdom teeth, among other sources, but the difficulty had been in getting hold of enough of them.
The independent Cornwall councillor for Porthleven and Helston South, Andrew Wallis, said BIH's decision was a "kick in the teeth" for the communities of the islands and west Cornwall.
BBC: British International Helicopter on Tresco. Pic: D.Sims
In Milton Keynes plots of land wait ready to be built on with roads and other infrastructure already in place, like missing teeth in the blocks of the American-style city grid.
ECONOMIST: Some parts of England are not afraid of development