The Chabad centre, run by the Jewish Orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch movement, is also in the vicinity.
Polar beer brands dominate the country, with a market share in the vicinity of 75%.
Violent and organised crime becoming involved in smuggling, especially in the vicinity of the Channel ports.
It shows that this piece of art means a lot to people in the vicinity of this work.
Little Falls Hospital, located in the vicinity of the shootings, also was lockdown Wednesday afternoon, a hospital representative said.
There are mutual restraining orders in effect and Robin gets nervous whenever in the vicinity of a Starbucks.
In addition, the SmartGPS delivers current gas prices in the vicinity, weather, traffic events and speed camera warnings.
ENGADGET: Magellan's smartGPS navigator has built-in Yelp reviews, syncs with your phone (video)
With great effort, her patient finally managed to get the tooth brush somewhere in the vicinity of her mouth.
"It confirms that there were savannahs and grassland in the vicinity, " he explains.
Today there are a large number of immigrants from other parts of Africa living in the vicinity of Groote Kerk.
In particular, they have been asked to try and identify what US submarines were in the vicinity at the time.
BBC: France probes US submarine link to fishing boat sinking
Specialists are going through equipment and documents seized in the vicinity of the fighting and "learning things from it, " Hilferty said.
At first, Dickerson told FBI agents he was simply in the vicinity of the bank at the time of the robbery.
CNN: Supreme Court reaffirms that police must warn criminal suspects of Miranda rights
Indeed the new evidence may force theorists to revise their ideas about how material behaves in the vicinity of black holes.
But Canada's seismic study last summer narrowed the likely source down to approximately 250 acres in the vicinity of Zug Island.
Citing the unrest in the vicinity of Tahrir Square, the U.S. Embassy closed its offices on Sunday, according to its website.
Reports said the French rescue operation was not thought to be in the vicinity of the US fleet and the Maersk Alabama.
Material in the vicinity gets drawn in, and settles into a disc, called an accretion disc, that's constantly spiraling toward the black hole.
If you are in the vicinity of the MOAF, at 48 Wall Street, right across from the NYSE, I highly recommend a visit.
The sea level station shall function independently of other equipment that may be installed in the vicinity (i.e. meteorological or other oceanographic equipment).
All WLAN-equipped cars in the vicinity then get the message, but they'll warn their drivers only if they're headed for the same off-ramp.
CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car
You can link credit cards to cell phones to pay for an item by just being in the vicinity of an RFID receiver.
The court was shown CCTV footage of the three boys, one aged 16 and two aged 14, in the vicinity of the attack.
No, not once or twice a week that each user finds someone in the vicinity, once or twice a week among all users?
FORBES: Strange Newspaper Questions We Can Answer: Why Isn't There a Grindr for Lesbians?
Infratil was required to undertake the environmental impact assessments in case there was a potential effect on legally protected wildlife sites in the vicinity.
However, things are a little more complicated when it comes to coastlines in the vicinity of inlets, such as river mouths, lagoons and estuaries.
"On average there's 2, 000 to 3, 000 visiting fans for every home game and they stay in the city or in the vicinity, " he said.
Steven Dunlop said groups of youths, as young as 15, caused problems in the vicinity of the post office which opens late at night.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Classical attempt to curb loitering
"They were on the beach in the vicinity of Complex 40, just south of the shuttle launch pads, " said Kennedy Space Center spokeswoman Lisa Malone.
America says it regards the Abu Sayyaf as international terrorists, although their main activity is kidnapping for ransom in the vicinity of the southern Philippines.