The team targeted the animals in their natural habitat to analyse individual variation and consistency in behavioural response.
BBC: Seal pup
If you want to do more than simply observe animals in their natural habitat, consider a more interactive travel experience.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch
The monkeys are wild, but they are accustomed to visitors, and more importantly, the guides know where they hang out, so kids can see the monkeys howling it up in their natural habitat.
BBC: Family fun in Belize
Joseph Garner, of Stanford University, thinks the answer is to keep the labs cool, but let mice cope with the low temperatures as they do in their natural habitat: not by eating more but by building nests.
ECONOMIST: ��and they may return the favour
One of the only places on Earth to see them in their natural habitat, the wax palms in Cocora Valley can grow to 60m tall, and hundreds of them randomly dot the cleared grassland like floral pinwheels, towering above fields of grazing livestock.
BBC: Colombia��s valley of the palms
Animals live in appropriate social groups within enclosures designed to resemble their natural habitat.
ECONOMIST: From zoo cage to modern ark