Have the White House lawyers looked at this issue, or has this been examined in any way that you know of?
So is your concern that this report exists at all, or that this report is being debated publicly in a way which you feel would lead people to have negative impressions of the entire community?
The work we do in this field is often referred to as idealistic or unattainable, words that do much to stand in the way of productive transformation.
The reason is that this is a team sport that anyone willing to work hard can participate in, one way or another.
But the evidence obtained in this way has been less compelling or complete than that given by people seeking amnesty, who must therefore tell (or at least seem to tell) the full story.
Whatever way he meant it, "autistic" is often used as an insult and it's insensitive to use a term that describes a disability or a condition in this way, says the National Autistic Society.
"I really don't think that this is a deal breaker in any way shape or form it just requires a little common sense, " Robertson added.
Germany's BKA said users should not pay the fine "under any circumstances" and added that neither the BKI or GVU collected cash in this way from those suspected of viewing illegal images or pirating content.
Eyeview has recognized this, and now delivers advertisements that are catered or presented in a way that is more relevant to the consumer.
You go to a city, this is the way you need to play or project and in that sense I was very grateful I still am very grateful for those personal interactions.
This will inevitably raise suspicions that Israel or the US were involved in some way.
FORBES: The Real Flame Wars: W32.Flamer Found All Over the Middle East
Some hundred and fifty years ago, one of the princes had ridden that way, going to a wedding or a funeral in this remote district, felt hot, and ordered that rosewood trees be planted to shade the passersby.
The country is quite capable of restructuring this debt in such a way that bondholders eventually could be made whole--or almost whole--in the years ahead.
In this way an industry that used to be in the hands of American or European companies, with factories in the Midwest, the English Midlands or Germany's industrial heartland, has moved to China.
Does that op-ed -- do the comments that Romney made in any way cloud or set a certain backdrop to this lunch?
You're not going to see full page ads in the Washington Post or the Los Angeles Times or the Chicago Tribune that were bought this way.
Anyone who follows Queen in any way, shape or form would have known from the outset that this musical was not going to be about the band.
My guide Claudine Buehler, whose husband, father, uncle, aunt and grandfather all work or worked in the watchmaking business, explained that the buildings were laid out this way in the early 19th Century to maximize the amount of sunlight that could flood into the first-floor workshop windows.
This suggests either that they are happening outside the Milky Way or that they occur in the spherical halo that surrounds its main disc.
Or to put it another way, it turns out that this new stability in one form of prices, consumer price inflation, did not deliver broader stability.
Is there anything that this administration is doing to consider, calculate, pose in any way, shape or form, weigh or measure potential deficit implications or economic implications of a value-added tax?
But this time, he engages with death and the afterlife in a way that is uplifting rather than terrifying or grotesque.
CNN: 'The Lovely Bones' is a 'positive' film, says Peter Jackson
The point of all this muck is not that trains are inherently a deficient way to move people between (or in) metropolitan areas.
Now a lot of my friends and people are using it in this new way to communicate that isn't this public blast of information on your Facebook wall or Twitter.
Codifying the legality of wireless device unlocking will provide the certainty that this law will not stand in the way of consumer rights and competitive markets, now or in the future.
FORBES: Activists/Tech Groups Ask Congress to Seriously Fix Phone Unlocking, Not Just Check the Box
From a business perspective, has it been working for you, or do you think that change is really needed in the way that immigrants are allowed in this country to work?
There is likely to be a wave of innovation in further education, particularly online, that will cater to this need in a more flexible, personalised way than the traditional degree or postgraduate course.
ECONOMIST: How individuals can survive in the new world of work
Normally this is the part where we'd get a little huffy and suggest Microsoft do it this way or that, but we're starting to feel we're in a little too deep here, you know?
While Mozilla is in the process or addressing the update issue, streamlining the way that updates are delivered to users, this may be too little, too late for those who have already made the switch to Chrome.
FORBES: Firefox Developer: "Everybody Hates Firefox Updates"
But if you look at what's driving that 70, 000 rise in joblessness, the picture is a little brighter - and a reflection of the different way that the labour market has operated in this recession, compared with either the 1980s or early 1990s.