In this picture he has actors who play his sort of material to perfection.
The clearest sounds we hear in this picture are those of Oliver Stone shooting himself in the foot.
The kind of power that Kurosawa aims for, and intermittently achieves, in this picture is less oneiric than ceremonial.
Everything in this picture is pitched at the level of public utterance.
Digicel Chairman Denis O'Brien attends an interview with Reuters at the company's headquarters in Port-au-Prince, in this picture taken December 18, 2012.
"There was not a mechanical elephant anywhere in this picture, " Murray confirmed.
In this picture, he builds up to a conversation between Wendy and Nicola that is perhaps the most extraordinary scene in recent movies.
There are no women in this picture, no alternatives to explore.
But in this picture, I didn't have a chance to do that, so it just went out the way that I had it at that time.
Demme keeps our attention on Starling and her shifting reactions to the world, and his most striking achievement in this picture is his direction of Jodie Foster.
Local Episcopalians - belonging to the American wing of the Anglican community - gathered on Sunday in the draughty hall of Grace Church in this picture postcard town on the swirling Merrimack River.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Gay US bishop-elect replies to critics
In this picture, the Universe just a short way beyond the edge of the observiball is an endless, roiling see of inflation, and all that we can see sits inside just one tiny floating bubble.
The most self-aware of the gay men in this picture revel in the ironies of their social and sexual identities, and Livingston makes us appreciate the comic grace and the strange wisdom of that approach.
Everyone involved in this picture seems overqualified, from the writers (Robert Towne, with Beatty) to the cinematographer (Conrad Hall) to the production designer (the late Ferdinando Scarfiotti) to the large, pointlessly high-powered supporting cast (headed by Katharine Hepburn).
Taxes are nowhere in this picture.
FORBES: To Fund The Federal Government We Don't Need Federal Taxation
When Weiszbrod and I get back to the ranch at 10 AM on a glorious fall morning in this picture-perfect place, I have a greedy realization: it would be possible here at High Lonesome to do the Rocky Mountain Grand Slam in one day.
The benefits of that experience seem evident in the actress's assured performance in this lesser picture, with Lombard as Alabam Lee, a fan dancer who agrees to "adopt" an indigent old lady as a publicity stunt.
WSJ: Lombard on the Path to Stardom | 'Carole Lombard in the Thirties' | By David Mermelstein
The former Plaid Cymru president, Dafydd Iwan, when he looked more like he did in the days of this picture than he does now, used to sing - in Welsh - of school days that were filled with "lessons history, lessons geography" and "lessons English " all the time.
For the record, I did thank her and yes, got her permission to put up the picture in this post.
As I noted last Friday, there has been significant improvement in the technical picture this week, as the market internals improved sharply.
Clicking a picture in this sidebar will open it up in a central window where you can read, or add your own comments.
In this case, a picture (of the camera body) tells far more than a thousand words -- this radical build is a bit tricky to explain, but we'll do our best.
And within that deal are a lot of things that address growth, address job creation, and we think will have already been effective in terms of improving the economic picture in the first quarter of this year.
As mentioned, when I first saw this picture back in the 1980s it was a revelation.
In this "eternal inflation" picture, inflation perdures forever, and forms the backdrop for the Universe as a whole.
Believe it or not, there's one place in this country where the financial picture looks rosy and Wall Street seems secure.
With the recent improvement in the economic picture, this capital flight has slowed, and money is flowing back into the stockmarket.