The helmet factory now runs in three shifts, producing 500 handmade helmets a day.
Working in three shifts, hundreds of volunteers -- from firefighters to stars of the "Food Network" -- baked 96, 000 cookies in two weeks.
In Marlboro, the officers are active-duty members of the township police, and work 36 hours a week in three-day shifts.
When we think about medicine evolving as a data science, three shifts in healthcare become apparent.
Back at the hotel, Ms. Spindel met the evening's 25 hopefuls in three half-hour shifts around a conference table.
Senate clerks, working in half-hour shifts, were three hours into the chore when Sanders withdrew the amendment in frustration.
Put together a business deal or a research project with three teams working in shifts, and you save days.
One-hundred-and-eighty thousand volunteers have been working three-hour shifts in the swing states to squeeze out every last voter.
But the quality that ties all of Stirling's work together is something that only the greatest architects possess: the unique ability to think volumetrically, to conceptualize and visualize all of a building's components and relationships simultaneously in all three dimensions, reorganizing and reinventing those relationships to create brilliant spatial progressions and shifts in perception and experience that elude more ordinary talents.
Even as the Shanghai factory runs on three shifts, its first joint venture in the rust belt city of Shenyang remains a morass.
Like all the nurses in the hospital Christine works very long hours - sometimes three shifts without a break - for very little pay.
If Chrysler can sell enough of these new models to put its two U.S. car plants on three shifts, the profit will keep pouring in.
Most memorably, though, it's a movie of minimalist moments (Molly's tiniest gestures speak volumes) and lovely, almost holy tableaux -- the three dark-skinned sprites running through the woods in their white shifts, Molly reaching out with an instinctive gesture to protect little Daisy from disaster.
The researchers said the women had done night shifts for an average of two to three years and in industries such as healthcare, food preparation and service, and office and admin support.
But it employed three shifts a day around the clock and when it reopened in December everything about it was greatly improved, from the luxurious new guest rooms to the lobby to the spa to the new restaurant.
FORBES: Top 10 Hotel Renovations: Lodging That Is Better Than Ever
During the spill, three shifts of employees monitoring the pipeline from the command center in Edmonton, Alberta, received multiple warning alarms, but dismissed them as being caused by column separation, or bubbles of vapor in the pipeline, according to the NTSB investigation.