It is also where they go to gather their thoughts in times of crisis.
We're all made stronger when we help one another in times of crisis, including terrible illness.
This troubled region has always looked to the U.S. to help in times of crisis.
In times of crisis, they can step out of the markets, making trading even more volatile.
Often in times of crisis, politicians can muscle in on ideological trends or pet projects.
"It's a collective story about how people can be good to one another in times of crisis, " she said.
In times of crisis banks usually retreat to their home markets, they point out.
In times of crisis like this, we see the best and the worst of people.
In recent weeks, we have again seen the critical role EMS professionals play in times of crisis.
In times of crisis, the American people have always stood up in support of those in need.
And I know that one of the things that we do in times of crisis is come together.
In times of crisis, perhaps a country should be managed like a corporation.
Enernoc builds a virtual peaking plant, able to strip demand away at a moment's notice in times of crisis.
Market fundamentalists in rich countries should recognize that unorthodox methods, if used judiciously, can work in times of crisis.
Definitely Jewish, which is something I care about only in times of crisis.
In times of crisis, local employees typically have more credibility than senior management, as they are seen as less calculating.
Central banks keep gold abroad so that it can be used to quickly buy foreign currency in times of crisis.
Some Tobin tax supporters want to keep the rate flexible, so that it can be raised in times of crisis.
"In times of crisis, it's important to try to help people by quickly providing information, " the spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail.
We can teach our children that here in America, we embrace each other, and support each other, in times of crisis.
Anyone who finds either of these two concepts a good idea in times of crisis has not learned anything from history.
"In times of crisis, barter offers a means to avoid the often fruitless search for bank loans and other forms of financing, " he says.
In times of crisis, why do German leaders want to penalize everyone?
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Hybrid forms of capital were meant to combine the cheapness of debt with the support that equity offers to banks in times of crisis.
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But our compassion seems to transcend this in times of crisis.
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"In times of crisis, traditional cause-effect correlations break down, " says Reid.
Now in the fifth generation, Henry Ford's heirs have shown remarkable unity when it comes to issues involving Ford Motor , especially in times of crisis.
As a private citizen, he has united Americans in times of crisis, lending his tireless efforts to men and women whose lives have been upended by disaster.
Now, that deserves a giant granite monument, a flurry of awards and the greatest honor of all: a real-life president who emulates Lincoln's courage in times of crisis.
He is intellectually curious, more comfortable in the spotlight than Miss Megawati, and widely viewed as a man of integrity who would be strong in times of crisis.