They have been marked in times of peace, in times of upheaval, in times of war.
Then again, can such a judgement ever be fairly made in times of peace - so many decades later?
The trend is always to do what we and the British did after World War I, in times of peace.
You have served in times of war and in times of peace -- an all-volunteer force right from the beginning -- part of a proud tradition that stretches back more than two centuries.
Both maintained job approval at 50% or more in times of apparent peace and prosperity.
WSJ: Unlucky (Lame) Ducks? The Myth of the Presidential Second-Term Curse
There is, of course, a need for prayer even in times of joy and peace and prosperity.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Prayer Breakfast
"In war and in peace, in times of plenty and in times of hardship the United States and the United Kingdom have shared a special relationship, " he said.
CNN: Queen's balcony wave, flyover cap Diamond Jubilee celebrations
And these are the men and women we shall honor every day, in times of war and times of peace, so long as our nation endures.
In the UK, The Times says the ceasefire in Gaza and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's offer of peace to his Palestinian neighbors could aid Palestine's President Mahmoud Abbas to focus on his struggle against Hamas militants -- which in turn would persuade Western governments to resume funding for the Palestinian Authority, easing the pain of the more vulnerable Palestinians.
In turbulent times, we must remain true to the core values of peace.
In a country that saw Europe's worst riots of recent times just over a year ago, social peace is fragile.
The Tax Code is now about four million words, nearly as long as seven versions of War and Peace or the novel version of Les Miserables and just under four times the number of words in all of the Harry Potter books put together.
FORBES: Tax Code Hits Nearly 4 Million Words, Taxpayer Advocate Calls It Too Complicated