In true Bai fashion, Mr. Ye further enhanced the entrance by adding two side structures.
The 2013 NCAA men's basketball tournament, in true Hitchcockian form, has been overrun by vicious birds.
In true Kerryesque fashion, Rubio was against the law before he was in favor of it.
Pardew celebrated in true last-minute-winner style, leaping into the arms of his management team.
In true Valve fashion, their approach to tackling those challenges lies in iteration and openness.
The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB32) is sweeping legislation in true California tradition.
FORBES: California dreaming: Why AB32 makes more sense as federal law
Delving into darkness in true, good old fashioned dungeon-crawling fashion will be a big part of the game.
Any game that builds in true defensive mechanics to its combat system earns extra points in my scorebook.
In true Pitchfork fashion, you can purchase tickets already even though the lineup has yet to be announced.
FORBES: Your Guide to Coachella and Upcoming Music Festivals
Might the lost 20 years be tossed aside - in true soap style - as one character's bad dream?
But in true prop tradition he was concentrating on the donkey work upfront.
Kravitz arrives in true star style, pulling up alongside the mansion's private dock in his green Magnum 60 powerboat.
Super Mario 3D Land reinvents everything fans love about Mario gaming with the first platforming environment in true 3D.
ENGADGET: Nintendo bundles red 3DS with Super Mario 3D Land starting November 23rd
In true traditional networking style, they exit with well wishes and all, without exception, hand out their business cards.
And that was true in the fiscal cliff, true in the debt ceiling negotiations in 2011, true in the sequester.
In true contrarian fashion, we feature on this issue's cover a promising slant on the miasma that is Wall Street.
In true Islanders fashion Wang signed a lengthy agreement, locking the Islanders into the arena for the next 25 years.
FORBES: Could The Islanders' Brooklyn Announcement Be A Lockout Guise?
In true Apple fashion, Apple has piled on enough new features to entice an upgrade cycle for iPad2 and iPad1 users.
If you've been waiting for the chance to watch, er, "The Last Samurai" in true HD, you already know the answer.
ENGADGET: Toshiba HD-A1 HD DVD player gets hands-on treatment HD
In true Seoul tech style, many are equipped with a free digital translation service, useful as many drivers don't speak much English.
You should call the fund company to find out what portion of the fund is in true preferred stock versus trust preferred.
WSJ: For Investors Seeking Income, Preferred Stock May Make Sense
In true Foursquare-fashion, players can gather badges and, just like in every small town across America, build reputations based on their activities.
FORBES: Microsoft showcases new social media tools at Cannes
In true ASEAN style, the below-the-surface griping is unlikely to bubble up.
But the other Sudanese, especially in the battered west and marginal east, will once again find themselves woefully lacking in true representation.
ECONOMIST: Sudan's coming elections: How did it come to this? | The
In true starlet fashion, don your shades and take your included breakfast for two poolside, then lay low around the sterling, sun-drenched oasis.
Vivian, in true Hollywood style, is swept away by her new lover, amidst the promise of a brand new life of luxury and bliss.
Called pseudocysts, these noncancerous (benign) pockets of fluids are lined with scar or inflammatory tissue, not the type of cells found in true cysts.
In true young-adult-fiction style, Katniss has a second admirer stalwart, gentle Gale, played by Liam Hemsworth, who looks, in this movie, like a larger Taylor Lautner.
In true survivalist manner, Croft also teaches his family how to subsist on alternative sources of nourishment, such as algae, roasted mice and live earthworms.