Jeanne Gibson Sullivan, a certified financial planner and founder of Financially in Tune in Wakefield, Mass.
Mr Walters claimed farmers were more in tune with public opinion than the government.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Farmer's anti-GM tractor trek
This was in tune with the international consensus, but it was nonetheless perceived as imperious.
Both factors contribute to the Wagner tuba's reputation for being fiendishly difficult to play in tune.
WSJ: It Takes Brass to Play the Wagner Tuba | By Barbara Jepson | The Ring of the Nibelung
The politicians, eager as ever to stay in tune with the nation, joined in.
She is already working hard for local people and is in tune with the community.
And he wants to show he's more in tune with the Republican electorate out there.
They used the question-and-answer session to portray the 40%-state-owned bank as in tune with public opinion.
Indeed, he is rather more in tune with Mrs Merkel than with France's Nicolas Sarkozy.
Singapore, never in tune with its neighbours, also seems keen to speed things up.
He's very honest, very open and very in tune with what the people are looking for.
That is in tune with the overall state of the ceasefire itself, our correspondent says.
By being in tune with what people want, and more importantly, to anticipate what they want .
And he's embraced a new general, General Petraeus, who's much more in tune with the new policy.
Together, they make a music that's at once worldly and in tune with the American jazz tradition.
In this respect, as in many others, Mr Blair seems to be in tune with modern Britain.
My primary objective relating to the market is to stay in tune with the drivers of the action.
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For once in tune with their government, most Romanians want lower inflation and the sale of state assets.
The old model is largely dead and thankfully, the new model is very much in tune with digital transformation.
And some bosses say they do their own eavesdropping -- as a way to keep in tune with employees.
And if it comes with a guarantee and can actually stay in tune on stage, so much the better.
Parents see the potential health consequences, but kids aren't in tune with that.
CNN: Girl loses 65 pounds in fight against childhood obesity
To win back my allegiance, it has to come up with something different and more in tune with my needs.
As you might imagine, it was not exactly in tune with the rest of the bumper stickers in the neighborhood.
Schumacher said he had not yet had enough running to know how well the Mercedes was in tune with them.
They were often portrayed in the local media as being somewhat more in tune with public concerns than their predecessors.
This dish, rich in contrasts, is also perfectly in tune with the season, catching each of the vegetables at peak ripeness.
But overall the biggest worry was that Mr. Hollande was not seen as being particularly in tune with the start-up mentality.
In Mexico's new political order, then, small-time rebels like Alvaro may be more in tune with reality than his hardline leaders.