• In a shocking breach of protocol and in apparent violation of the law, the man who until a few months ago stood at the helm of Israel's efforts to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions attempted to take Israel's military option for striking Iran's nuclear installations off the table.


  • And we consider an effort to assassinate a diplomat in the United States to be a flagrant violation of international law.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Francis was involved in another controversy last week when he told the Dallas Morning News that Delta Force units--whose existence the Pentagon is loath to confirm--may have taken part in the siege, a violation of the law.

    CNN: The return of Waco

  • Critics have accused admissions officers of using the review process as a means to reinstate racial preferences in violation of the law.

    ECONOMIST: Affirmative action

  • Washington (CNN) -- No employees of NBC will face criminal charges over the display of a high-capacity ammunition magazine on a "Meet the Press" program in violation of local law in Washington, prosecutors told the network on Friday.

    CNN: No charges over NBC ammo clip display

  • Given this history, the court affirmed that individuals who can make a plausible case they have been injured by a law passed in violation of the powers granted to Congress under the Constitution, can sue under the 10th Amendment.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Decision Stirs Talk Of New Attack On Obamacare

  • But we have never held never that a penalty imposed for violation of the law was so trivial as to be in effect a tax.

    WSJ: ObamaCare and the Power to Tax

  • The FCC ruled that a Fox station had been "willful" in its "violation" of federal law and agency rules but stopped short of imposing a fine.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It turns out she was in violation of County law because she did not get a removal permit first.

    FORBES: When Julia Tried to Start a Business

  • This attorney also believes that while Groupon appears to be meeting the New York State requirement that alcohol cannot be discounted more the 50%, he also believes the NY State Liquor Authority may very well also consider Groupon to be selling alcohol as a non-licensee in violation of the law.

    FORBES: Groupon Faces Widespread Alcohol Sale Problems, Attorney Says

  • "To force a woman who is seven months pregnant to have an abortion is a serious violation of the law, " said Zhang Kai, a lawyer who is in talks with Ms. Feng's family about representing her.

    WSJ: China Suspends Officials in Forced-Abortion Case

  • Considering politics in the hiring process is a violation of department policy and federal law.

    NPR: Report: Justice Dept. Considered Politics in Hiring

  • For example, collectors sometimes report erased debts to credit bureaus, a pressure tactic that is in violation of the law if the debt has been discharged.

    WSJ: Debts Go Bad, Then It Gets Worse

  • He saw a violation, in other words, of the spirit of the law.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The APA amended that view last year to state that psychologists cannot be present in detention sites in violation of U.S. or international law, unless working for a third party on behalf of detainees or treating military personnel, Mills said.

    CNN: Torture's psychological impact 'often worse' than physical

  • For example, the school gained notoriety a while back when its principal confessed to forcing a female student - in accordance with Shariah and in violation of Virginia law - to return to the father she accused of abusing her physically.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Welcome to Faisal County

  • "We ask that the league immediately issue a statement that any form of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sexual orientation by league teams or players against potential recruits or players constitutes a violation of state, local and, in some cases, contractor law and will not be tolerated, " Schneiderman said in a letter dated Thursday and released to news organizations.

    WSJ: NY AG: NFL must act on sexual orientation concern

  • Completeness and accuracy now create a heavy burden for employers and essentially empower the DOL to investigate preemptively in violation of the law.

    FORBES: With the Economy Sputtering, Obama Must Allow High-Skilled Immigrants

  • Growing, distributing and possessing marijuana in any capacity, other than as part of a federally authorized research program, is a violation of federal law.

    FORBES: Obama-Romney Race Close; Votes To Legalize Marijuana And Gay Marriage Hit Close To Home

  • If this were true, it would be in violation of federal law, which prohibits the use of active-duty military personnel against civilians without a presidential decree.

    ECONOMIST: Government evasion

  • One proposal would broaden the law so that it would cover a violation of rights beyond what is specified in the statute, a source said.

    CNN: AllPolitics - FBI To Create "Hate Crime Unit"

  • In April, an appeals court in another jurisdiction found in favour of Peter Junger, a law professor who had posted the code for encryption software on the Internet, in violation of American export controls.

    ECONOMIST: Freedom of speech

  • We never have classified as a tax an exaction imposed for violation of the law, and so too, we never have classified as a tax an exaction described in the legislation itself as a penalty.

    WSJ: ObamaCare and the Power to Tax

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