It might be a concentration thing, in which case he has got to sort that out.
Conceivable, too, that livedoor was channelling funds to politicians, in which case the story will grow.
Maybe they have some information that is instructive, in which case we will use the information.
But Pakistan's may decide to ignore the protocol, in which case Molly will remain Misbah.
ECONOMIST: One girl, two warring parents and international diplomacy
The Court could uphold the individual mandate, in which case the point is moot.
In which case, portfolio flows of themselves do not move prices, still less cause crises.
In which case, if the battle does not go one way, it must go the other.
In which case he would have owed more than he could ever conceivably pay.
FORBES: Excesses of the Eighties - CPA Remains Liable on $19,000,000 Tax Debt
They might succeed, in which case Europe's postal system will continue on its uncompetitive way.
In which case expect the taxman, wherever he is, to become a lot more aggressive sometime soon.
By 1574 she had a grown daughter, in which case the painting would date from the 1560s.
Neglecting the maintenance of the arsenal either has no effect, in which case it is a sham.
Or it has an effect-degrading the reliability and safety of the arsenal-in which case it is a menace.
In which case, it is hardly surprising that the junior Democratic senator from Connecticut felt compelled to speak.
They can double down on their position, in which case they will have to dramatically escalate their tactics.
FORBES: Bad News For The Establishment: Counterinsurgenices Are Unwinnable
In which case they might well be able to capture some goodly portion of the total available profits.
However, students might also enroll in courses provided by different organizations, in which case the funds would be divided.
FORBES: School Finance in the Digital-Learning Era: A Review
In which case, what can be done to prevent terrorists exploiting the internet?
In which case they should lose their case and HFCS can be called whatever people want to call it.
In which case Portugal, like Greece, will be back in the emergency ward.
Or maybe Congress will do nothing, in which case the government shuts down.
FORBES: Washington Budget Wars Poised To Devastate Military Communities
In which case, how quickly do they converge on a final protein structure?
In which case the value of the reduced transport time for these very important people collapses down to almost nothing.
FORBES: Why We Shouldn't be Building Large Infrastructure Projects
Maybe it was just bad timing, in which case you may be able to reach out again in the future.
Is that still personal, in which case they can't be used, or is it now open, in which case they can?
But he will likely hold a few clinics with Chinese children, in which case, Beckham will undoubtedly be wearing his adidas.
In which case Google (or whoever) would have to buy them out or at least pay for access to those areas.
FORBES: Good Grief: Nationwide Google Fiber Would Be Incredibly Cheap To Build
Unless of course you compare them to real estate, in which case they shine like the top of the Chrysler Building .
Mr. KAGAN: He may be skeptical, in which case he has written a dishonest report, because there's no skepticism in the report.