" 'Punching-above-our-weight' is a nice self-image for small countries, but it is much less important in world politics than being the heavyweights, " said NYU law professor Benedict Kingsbury.
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Let us hope that Europe's political leaders are too aware of the myriad challenges confronting them in world politics to waste their time and energies once again on institution building and introversion.
In the world of business, like in the world of politics, we always have two announcements these days.
The stakes are high for a country strategically positioned in Middle Eastern politics and in world trade through the Suez Canal.
Unfortunately in the real world of Washington politics, decisions are sometimes not made in the abstract, non-emotional world of numbers and calculations.
But in the world of politics, you seldom get a second chance to make a good impression.
CNN: Commentary: Obama should have told us the whole sad truth
There is a lot going on these days in the world of politics.
Although Bob Servant is set in the world of politics "it is not the Thick of it", says Cox.
BBC: Brian Cox plays 'Del Boy's Scottish cousin' - Bob Servant
After all, in the world of politics and beyond, those you support owe you something for standing by them.
Mr Blunt likes to portray himself as an aw-shucks small-town boy, but he too grew up in the world of politics.
Opportunists abound in the world of politics but Baduel has defended a number of principles that typical opportunists cannot even articulate.
The judges marked MPs on sites that engaged with constituents and presented the world in politics, particularly to young people, "in an exciting and dynamic manner".
But they are for the most part to be found in the world of politics outside Washington, many of the best of them as state governors.
In the labyrinthine world of Malaysian politics, smoke in the kitchen means there is something cooking.
The immediate cause of the sharp fall in bond prices seems to have been rooted in the byzantine world of Italian politics, and in particular, an acrimonious spat between Silvio Berlusconi, the prime minister, and Giulio Tremonti, the finance minister, over provisions in an emergency budget.
ECONOMIST: The euro zone on the edge: The road to Rome | The
And in the daily world of politics, he knew and practiced a second truth: In government, money is power.
There are certainly times when his moral stature is still valuable, even in the grubby world of politics.
Was there anyone who was anyone in the world of high politics, arts and literature whom Spender, charming, gentle and urbane from first to last, did not meet over dinner?
Even David Cameron went out of his way twice on Wednesday to pay tribute to Nick Clegg for raising the subject, almost unheard of in the world of opposition politics.
We analyzed public opinion polls and congressional votes during four episodes of humanitarian intervention -- Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia and Kosovo -- and found, as recent debates seems to suggest, humanitarian intervention is mired in the mundane world of politics.
And the future is that clean energy -- cleaner forms of energy are going to be increasingly important, because even if folks are still skeptical in some cases about climate change in our politics and in Congress, the world is not skeptical about it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
When are you deemed old enough to know what it is you would like to study and don't get useless figures shoved down your throat by people who seem to think that everyone in the world cares about politics and economics so they all will study it, regardless of whether they are studying art?
Although his death leaves no clear successor in the often fractious world of Palestinian politics, Palestinian parliament speaker Rawhi Fattuh has been sworn in as interim president of the Palestinian Authority.
She is greatly admired, of course, everywhere in the very competitive world of politics and publishing.
And politics in the world's greatest deliberative body may not be any prettier than it was 119 years ago.
Mr Takeshita thrived in such a world of consensus politics, quietly preparing the ground so things could happen by agreed compromise.
At the same time, the wily leader of Nahdlatul Ulama, the 30-million-strong Muslim mass movement, was constantly positioning and repositioning himself in the byzantine world of Indonesian politics.
In the tribal world of Chechen politics, people tend to have local power bases (Mr Kadyrov's was his home village of Tsentoroi, Mr Saidullaev's is the town of Alkan-Yurt) but often lack wider support.
Both of these books are works of history, and neither draws explicit parallels with court politics in the modern world.
Obamamania, and the strange intimacy and chemistry of politics in a globalised world, may reinforce Britain's hardening yen for novelty.