Traditionally, vaccines were manufactured from the complete organism, such as an inactivated flu virus.
So if lipase is inactivated then the fat can't be absorbed and it passes right through us.
The study also found that another 10% of the genes on the X are sometimes inactivated, and sometimes not.
For them, only injections of H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines are appropriate, since they contain inactivated or dead virus.
CNN: Study: Underlying conditions playing less of role in H1N1
What was already known was that in each individual female cell, one of the two X chromosomes was randomly inactivated.
Fattom's solution was to link the sugars to a larger carrier protein, in this case an inactivated bacteria called Pseudomonas.
All the component parts of the vaccine are inactivated, killed, so they can't cause the diseases they are protecting against.
In addition, further genes have been inactivated so that the organisms are less able to colonise the gut and survive in nature.
They found that Salmonella with an inactivated SifA gene no longer has this ability to multiply, and can be killed off by the macrophages.
The flu vaccine is comprised of killed or inactivated virus (three most likely strains of flu virus based on predictions from the previous flu season).
Diphtheria and inactivated polio vaccine have also been used extensively.
Children should receive four doses of inactivated polio vaccine, delivered as an injection, at ages 2 months, 4 months, 6 to 18 months, and 4 to 6 years, according to the CDC.
The two types of vaccine that have been approved -- a flu shot made from inactivated or dead virus and a nasal spray made from live, weakened virus -- will be available free of charge, though some providers may charge an "administration fee, " Sebelius said.
According to the CDC, it takes less than a minute for E. coli to be inactivated if chlorine levels are adequate, about 16 minutes to control Hepatitis A virus, about 45 minutes to kill off the Giardia parasite and over 10 days for a Crypto parasite.