The Redfern inquiry report said "managerial inadequacy" had been a factor in the scandal.
Vastly more die in many poor countries from the non-existence or inadequacy of sewerage systems.
The only thing they seemed to agree on was the inadequacy of Mr Roberts's minimalist philosophy.
False guilt is feeling responsible for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy.
Mr Leonard has decided views about the inadequacy of foreign policy as it is currently practised.
Mr Sarkozy's main advantage is the same as Mr Obama's: the inadequacy of the opposition.
When I look at Real Simple or a West Elm catalogue, I feel a twinge of inadequacy.
This is mainly due to the inadequacy of health care and educational facilities in the new nation.
Plaid Cymru Leader Ieuan Wyn Jones criticised the draft budget on its inadequacy for the health service.
Yet, to be generous, it was at least partly a response to the inadequacy of the state police.
The story of thalidomide is a sorry tale of corporate greed, institutional inadequacy, unnecessary suffering and cruel irony.
This amounts to a serious inadequacy in the management of the public's money.
It would also offset, to a substantial extent, the probable inadequacy of new, near-term financial flows from the West.
And I certainly did not recognize any connection between domestic violence and my feeling of inadequacy until much later in life.
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But in the rich world the decibels of the inequality debate have been matched by the inadequacy of the reform effort.
That makes the inadequacy of the financial rescue all the more regrettable.
In Incomplete Nature, Deacon begins by exposing the inadequacy of reductionistic explanations of consciousness and purpose as mere by-products of an impersonal natural order.
For example, a March 10 post on the inadequacy of language culminates in a few notes about a Cheverney Rouge (a wine from the Loire).
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The key issues are the rational desire to reduce debt loads, and the inadequacy of profitable investment opportunities in an economy flooded with excess capacity.
"An uncertain economic outlook, and the inadequacy of policy to counter this, has weakened aggregate demand, holding back investment and hiring, " ILO director general Guy Ryder said.
So too, due to the department's academic inadequacy, the committee claimed its master's program's " doubtful, " and said that the faculty could not adequately educate doctoral students.
This helped me overcome my feelings of inadequacy and isolation.
When you do this you're acknowledging your inadequacy and dependence.
Surely, Shelagh was compensating for some deep feeling of inadequacy.
Last year the NGOs forced the power company and smelter builders to abandon a similar, combined scheme in a neighboring delta by exposing the inadequacy of the EIAs they carried out.
The two incidents have outraged Kenyans, exposing as they have the negligence of the country's police and officials, the incapacity of its emergency services and the inadequacy of its medical care.
In the U.S., we hear daily that the aging of more than 78 million baby boomers brings with it the burden of entitlements, the inadequacy of pensions, and the rising costs of healthcare.
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It was a few years later that I realised the possibility of yet another interpretation of Kurtz's final words: the horror of realising his own miserable inadequacy, the darkness in his own heart.
Asian financial crisis, the speed with which it spread, and the inadequacy of existing international institutions to deal with it have led to wide-ranging debate about the need for a new international financial architecture.
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