Expensive electricity, an inadequately funded public sector pension system, and high interest rates round out this negative picture.
The system suffers from "high turnover, inadequately trained personnel, bad data--you name it, " McLellan says.
The surveillance of the five suspects was "ill-planned, badly carried out and inadequately documented".
Ofsted found no children "inadequately protected or at risk of significant harm" and praised "rapid improvements".
His biggest criticism of the law is that it has been ineffective and inadequately funded.
To make a complaint for mis-selling you must have been wrongly or inadequately advised.
Clearly the electorate believes the current level of oversight to be inadequate or at best inadequately enforced.
Hilary, in her work as a journalist, had seen an inadequately skilled first-year resident perform the procedure.
In short, the yield on high yield bonds is not low because investors are inadequately compensated for risk.
That year and the first half of 2012, personnel at Kennedy were inadequately trained, according to the settlement.
Lawyers for a group seeking to block the scheme claimed the impact on farming businesses was inadequately considered.
At every stage of this crisis Europe's leaders have reacted late and inadequately.
Salmonella food poisoning is normally caused by contaminated meat, eggs or milk, which have been inadequately cooked or refrigerated.
The incentives may be smaller than in real-world decisions: so rational choices may be inadequately rewarded and irrational ones inadequately punished.
Moreover, there are huge numbers of poor citizens inadequately addressed by businesses traditionally focused on a relatively thin strata of wealthier individuals.
FORBES: Fundamental Changes in How Emerging Markets Innovate
They alleged that they had to sleep on the floor of a lodge on Friday night and claimed they were inadequately fed.
Lord Bradshaw, for the Liberal Democrats, condemned the "nonsense" that householders could risk being sued for inadequately clearing their pathway of snow.
Unfortunately, the authors of the MCS underestimated the mobility requirements and inadequately appreciated the inherent risk of closing the C-17 production line.
Huge quantities of cargo move through them every day, much of it of uncertain character and provenance, nearly all of it inadequately monitored.
The Fed recently told some top U.S. banks that they were inadequately capitalized, hence ineligible to pay the dividends that they had planned on paying.
FORBES: An Overleveraged Fed Punishes Better-Capitalized Banks
Prosecutor Simon Parrington said as she lent forward to rectify a blockage on the line, her scarf became entangled in an inadequately guarded cog mechanism.
Some BBC sites, including some games sites and "what's on" listings, were not sufficiently distinctive from commercial alternatives or were inadequately associated with public service purposes.
The law that finally emerged guaranteed that the reform program would proceed slowly and remain inadequately funded, its resolve often challenged and its intent easily circumvented.
No children were deemed at "immediate risk" but the report said failings in case recording, quality of practice and management oversight led to "some children being inadequately protected".
Working behind the scenes, Mr Norgrove has managed to get money into inadequately funded schemes when their sponsoring employers have changed hands or have been reshaped through acquisitions.
Crumbling school buildings, lack of facilities, overcrowding and inadequately trained teachers are blighting the chances of too many children in disadvantaged areas, claims the American Civil Liberties Union.
Why Chinese economic reform succeeded so spectacularly remains inadequately explained.
As elsewhere, many Brazilian policemen are inadequately paid and trained.
The Premiership and other leagues feeding into the regions are generally considered to be performing inadequately, with pundits like Jonathan Davies calling for major reforms from the grassroots up.
Presently, TVET in Pakistan is confronted with multitude of problems and issues such as low quality and relevance, non-availability of duly qualified and motivated teachers, inadequately equipped workshops and inadequate funding.