Ollie, a bunny who refuses to collaborate, creates a rival team called the Thunder Pets, consisting of himself and two inanimate objects: a rock and a toy frog.
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Many appear to perceive faces as if they were inanimate objects - using a completely different part of the brain.
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Participants either saw live footage of themselves, a mannequin or an inanimate black block.
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Infants can distinguish a human face from inanimate objects or even animal faces.
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Standing above him, Edward Sherman Hoar, his sole companion, holds aloft a string of fish and examines the oily glistening of inanimate scales.
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It's no wonder the public rallied to support a colorful robber who fired his pistol only a handful of times, and never at anything but inanimate objects or the air.
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As human beings, we have a primal instinct to instantaneously profile people, the weather, inanimate objects, and situations.
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Ascribing anthropomorphic properties to inanimate indexes and stocks is my specialty, so allow me to lay out a scenario that would allow the Market to do his usual number on us all.
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Allen McConnell, a psychology professor at Miami University in Ohio who studies pet owners' behavior, said those who opt for animal preservation can be motivated by grief, a need for belonging and anthropomorphism the act of ascribing human attributes to animals or even inanimate objects.
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