On the eve of Christmas 2007, quite a few obituaries for incandescent light bulbs were penned.
He also called on Congress to ban incandescent light bulbs and require better gas mileage for cars.
Remember those bi-partisan Congressional votes phasing out incandescent light bulbs in favor of fragile mercury-laden, landfill-destined compact fluorescent lighting to clearly dispel any such illusions.
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There were 425 million 60-watt incandescent light bulbs sold last year in the U.S., so there is surely money to be made replacing some of these.
As detailed in the recently released 2010 Sustainability Report, the company has taken on various eco-initiatives, including an aggressive (and early) phase-out of incandescent light bulbs, the installation of solar panels on numerous U.S. stores, and the introduction of the IKEA Product Sustainability Scorecard.
Tungsten, as a material, was much used in the filaments of incandescent electric light bulbs.
Light emitting diodes, or LEDs, could work nicely as replacements for incandescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs.
The basics: As you probably know, Congress passed a law that basically compels the lighting industry is phasing out the warm and incredibly inefficient light provided by incandescent bulbs, which are nice for a warm glow, but not so nice for the Earth or your energy bill.
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Another step forward has been organic LEDs (OLEDs) which also promise greater efficiency and better light than older, incandescent bulbs.
According to IMS Research, collectively, 5.6 billion bulbs light American households and businesses, including 4.2 billion incandescent bulbs and about 1 billion compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs that contain toxic mercury.
They are, well, light years away from the simple incandescent bulbs the Philips brothers made when they started the business back in 1891.
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The DoE challenged firms to develop a design that gave out a warm light similar to that from an incandescent bulbs but was much more energy efficient.
Compact fluorescents use about one-third as much electricity as incandescent bulbs to produce the same amount of light.
Mr Russill said LED light bulbs are more efficient than traditional, incandescent ones because there is less energy loss through heat.
Philips said weak construction activity was hurting its lighting division, though LED light sales were up 38 percent as the new technology continues to replace traditional incandescent bulbs.
If you doubt this, just listen to the never-ending GOP complaints over the dangers of mercury escaping from the compact florescent light (CFL) bulbs the government will soon require us to use in place of the highly inefficient incandescent bulbs.
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