We did this through the GLC's Greater London Enterprise Board - something that was "partnership" incarnate.
They became the preacher's essential aid in spreading the Christian belief: that Jesus was God incarnate.
"In France, in Europe, in the world, Stephane Hessel was the spirit of resistance incarnate, " he said.
Most of his roles embody pious self-righteousness, and that made watching Washington's searing portrayal of evil incarnate particularly satisfying.
You incarnate for us the angel who put a stop to the calamity.
He is Democratic respectability incarnate, with 27 years of service in Congress to add to Mr Kerry's 19 in the Senate.
True, George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, is guile incarnate, a Tory Talleyrand to whom Mr Cameron subcontracts his strategic thinking.
Up until the BP disaster, banks have been the devil incarnate, but BP is now in the firing line and banks are out of it.
In New Orleans, Gregg is simply the latest in a long line of characters, from Chicken Man to Ruthie the Duck Girl, an extension of New Orleans' soul incarnate.
The real irony was to be found in the fact that sitting next to me in the BBC studio at that moment was the "Vietnam syndrome" incarnate -- former Sen.
The hero's subway-tunnel battle with chaos incarnate becomes repetitious.
Google is also doing some amazing things like self-driving cars but increasingly is portrayed as evil incarnate having betrayed a dying Steve Jobs and apparently in denial about their actions.
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At the same time, as Hugues walks relentlessly through the city, he comes to incarnate the Man of the Crowd, the archetype first introduced to literature in Edgar Allan Poe's tale of the same name.
But gold is not value incarnate.
BBC: Killing off cash: Could new tech mean the end of money?
David Wayne brings a hectic pathos to the role of the psychopath at war with his own urges, and an iconic batch of character actors (including Howard Da Silva, Raymond Burr, Luther Adler, Norman Lloyd, Jim Backus, and Glenn Anders) incarnate with streetwise flair the officers of the law and the underworld posse trying to beat them to the killer.