The processions are remarkable for their artistic quality (gilding, cabinetwork), sounds and smells (incense).
If she's entertaining outside, Ms. Arntsen likes to stick incense into a potted planter.
This 12th-century incense burner is incised with calligraphy that identifies its maker and first owner.
And an actual court appearance in Britain could incense the general's admirers still more.
But Nisei was a professional, and he specialized in such tea utensils as caddies and incense jars.
It's also aggressively Eastern in feel lots of incense, sitar music and chanting, accompanied by a droning harmonium.
There are shops selling jade and incense, and when the afternoon arrives, flea-market vendors spread their wares on the ground.
The owner, Sonia Tuppo, burns incense in her nursery, but it does little to mask the odour.
Dad blessed the house from the attic to the barn by spreading incense smoke and sprinkling holy water.
Their businesses might benefit from a little more capital: some extra jars of chickpeas or sticks of incense.
They said Annihilation, described as herbal incense, is being used predominately by young people in and around Glasgow.
An excerpt from the latest incense-and-intrigue thriller by the American novelist, Dan Brown?
It's based on orange blossom, with notes of beeswax and frankincense (for the candles and incense in the procession).
She goes outside and sets an incense cone inside of a ceramic Buddha.
At times, songs such as "Incense Cone, " with its mellow bass and doo-wop chorus, are colored by 1960s influences.
Among the general electorate, it was the incendiary issue that failed to incense.
The incense comes from the resin of the boswellia, a stout, gnarly-branched tree that mostly grows in the Horn of Africa.
White-robed church volunteers marched down the church aisle behind Father Sirop, who chanted and waved thickly-scented incense that wafted through the building.
Then he kisses the fish on the lips and flings it high in the air, an act meant to incense the surfcasters.
Spices thickened the air and the smell of incense clung to everything.
Festival highlights include the Tai Hang dragon parade (18 to 20 September), featuring a 67m-long straw dragon lit with tens of thousands of incense sticks.
Ma Wanzhi, who now lives in Heijingying, enrolled in a scheme through her employer, a factory making the incense sticks for temples.
Homes and shops often contain a small ancestral altar where candles, incense or red electric bulbs are used to honor the departed.
As long ago as the 1950s, a perfumer called Paul Jellinek noted that several ingredients of incense resembled scents of the human body.
The quarter is filled with the smell of incense and tobacco, with the sounds of shouted commerce and hushed conversation in candlelit tea rooms.
These ranged from a Muslim initiative to make the haj or pilgrimage to Mecca less environmentally wasteful to a Daoist pledge to burn less incense.
You could stand there, Christian, Jew, Muslim or atheist, and watch him dance for hours, with the swallows flitting overhead and the smell of centuries-old incense in your nostrils.
Kiko Torres, owner of the Masks y Mas art store in Albuquerque, said sales of La Santa Muerte statues, incense, and oils have skyrocketed in recent months.
Half the Olympic program, on the other hand, was given over to religious ritual: processions, hymn-singing, incense-burning, gory animal sacrifice and strange incantations by exotically attired priests.