And it can get really messy when different stakeholders are competing to incent the sales teams.
His budget includes money to incent state governments to offer paid family leave.
There have been years of mild flirtations with corporate tax reform that would incent companies to permanently repatriate overseas funds.
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First, having someone else pick up three-quarters of the cost does not incent state and local governments to necessarily spend these funds wisely.
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Incent them to partner with you and turn them into advocates.
Major payers for pharmacy benefits could offer them volume guarantees and up-front money to incent them to commit capacity and work through the FDA approval process.
She is lobbying on Capitol Hill for federal legislation that would incent the states to enact laws similar to the one just enacted in Virginia.
Granted these survey results come from a food service provider (Seamless), these findings do point out that it does not take much to incent and motivate employees.
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They spend even larger sums on medical and dental benefits, retirement plans, 401k plans, and even child care facilities, all with an eye to incent their teams to perform.
The problem is that Apple charges so much for the devices that the phone companies have to substantially subsidize the price of the phones to us, the users to incent us to buy them.
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But healthcare providers and payors need to jump on the bandwagon and support these products and motivate or incent consumers to use tools that will help them take better care of themselves and their families.
They are always looking for opportunities that allow them to develop closer opt-in relationships with individual customers, to learn about their behavior, to incent them to remain loyal to brands and to try new products.
Heroic pronouncements like the one above, which would seem to raise the specter of failure and impel employees forward, perversely do just the opposite: they incent employees to lobby to lower the bar and slip the delivery date.
Another way to accelerate growth of employment opportunities would be for the next President to establish startup-friendly policies that will incent more young company activity among those already in the U.S., and entice global talent to start their companies here.
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