Most past efforts have been incidental and have been abandoned at the earliest sign of failure.
One unpleasant interaction can have incidental effects on many other, unrelated judgments and decisions.
The game is not an incidental part of Afrikaner culture, like cricket is to the English.
Austen analyzes these foundational concepts in examples too numerous and systematic to be considered incidental.
"The begetting and the begatting and all of that, that's really incidental, " he said.
Of course, all of that is incidental to the real question: how did the video look?
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In the pre-digital magazine world, newsstand sales were incidental gravy, subscribers were loss leaders.
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Most past efforts have been incidental and were abandoned at the earliest sign of failure.
He starkly records the action, rather than manipulating it, and there's next to no incidental music.
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Yet his is not so much an informal history of hospitality as an incidental one.
Productivity, competitiveness, cost control, and the quality of goods and services were all largely incidental.
But their work appears incidental and trivialized in the context of this show.
In a statement, the commission said incidental catches of haddock had increased due to recent progress in stock recovery.
Incidental contact with the crown of the helmet would not be a penalty.
Since the day Shakespeare died, people have been adapting his work to their own time by writing incidental music for the plays.
The more interesting bits of the book tend to be thrown in almost as incidental facts dictating Britain's momentous choice.
She also digs up charming incidental anecdotes: a lonely-hearts ad in a Bavarian newspaper brought together the parents of Pope Benedict.
Collaboration for one relies on interaction between people, whether intentional, tangential, or incidental, and sometime a combination of any of these.
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Perhaps some sort of deep cultural shift really is taking place in Brussels, and Mrs Cresson is merely its incidental victim.
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The production of "As You Like It" that opens at the Stratford Festival in Ontario tomorrow night features incidental music by the Grammy-nominated band.
The reason: The opportunity for firefighters to practice and test their equipment, a public benefit, outweighs the incidental benefit to the taxpayer.
It was not incidental that the Arab Spring happened on the continent.
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For many of these sites, the high schools themselves seem almost incidental.
That the computer won is remarkable--but at the same time almost incidental.
Rick McKay, president of the Atlanta Falcons and competition committee head, said that incidental contact won't be a penalty under the new rule.
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The movie belongs to the teenage buddies as much as to the title character, and echoes of Mark Twain are neither accidental nor incidental.
According to the study, this tendency to be swayed by outside moods is not just an incidental curiosity but can systematically distort rational decisions.
Bonds forged through adversity are often the strongest and Mowbray's time on the pitch is almost incidental to his five-year spell at Celtic Park.
Earlier this year, Netscape decided to capitalize on all this incidental traffic by creating a "web portal" called Netcenter to compete with the likes of Yahoo!
Excesses by the independent counsel or any gatherer of the evidence on which you're going to rely, as some have contended, is only incidental or tangential?
CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2