It crumbled, an incinerated ball of metal and fire, in the slowest of slow motions.
Deputy Young said Jersey produced 20, 000 tonnes of rubbish that once incinerated added to the ash pile.
More than 80% of these digital clunkers are dumped in landfills or incinerated, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Peter Frampton's 1957 Gibson Les Paul, a gift from a fan, was incinerated in a cargo-plane crash 31 years ago.
The crash caused an intense fire that incinerated much of the plane, something that will make the investigation difficult, Duprie said.
The band mascot, Eddie, made his customary appearance, as did a huge devil which rose out of nowhere with giant flames which nearly incinerated singer Bruce Dickinson on the spot!
The government ultimately demanded that all of Reich's orgone boxes be incinerated along with his books, and then sent him to prison, where he died of a heart attack in 1957.
Several sedans, pickup trucks, two trailer trucks and two passenger buses, which appeared to be in a column formation, suggesting they were part of a convoy, were shown incinerated or severely damaged.
All of the nonrecycleable trash produced by the 1 million residents of Westchester County, just north of New York City, is incinerated there and the heat produces enough electricity to power 88, 000 homes.
Military personnel contend with more than their fair share of health problems, from the mental anguish wrought by combat to the physical ailments caused by unique exposures to hazardous chemicals or waste incinerated on-base.
FORBES: Does the Military Have a Breast Cancer Crisis? Not Quite. [Updated]
It was pointed out during the debate that of the 53 million tonnes of electronic waste generated in 2009, only 13% was collected and recycled, with the rest being sent to landfill, incinerated or illegally exported.
But there is no sign of, or appetite for, a Ukrainian version of Vladimir Putin, not least because the West has not (yet) incinerated its credibility in Ukraine the way it did in Russia in the 1990s.
It's not well-known or even thought about but ever since Leo Hendricks unveiled the first fully synthetic moldable hard plastic called Bakelite to the American Chemical Society in 1909, except for a very small percentage that has been incinerated, every single molecule of plastic ever manufactured still exists somewhere in our environment.