Paul Zukowski, from the Hatfield Against Incineration campaign group, said "the fight goes on".
His gaze is fixed instead on a garbage incineration plant on a nearby hill.
"I am concerned about the scheme's propensity to favour incineration rather than recycling, " he said.
The army also maintains that only incineration can remove all the toxins from their metal casings.
Incineration seems attractive to many: the technology is well-understood and it requires no change in public behaviour.
ECONOMIST: Tough landfill targets prompt a return to flaming rubbish
Incineration could save up to a gigatonne of emissions if widely adopted, says Covanta's boss, Anthony Orlando.
Hilarious account of auto parts investment fund Asimco and its incineration of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Still, landfill space is running out and opposition to incineration is growing due to concerns about harmful emissions.
Eye on Wales discovered 16 councils were at different stages of signing up to creating fuel for incineration.
Contractors will dismember the carcass before it is put on to trucks and then taken away for incineration.
People are required to put out all household garbage in specially-produced transparent bags that do not pollute during incineration.
Recycling rates in Wales are still low compared to other European countries, and some see incineration as the answer.
It says health problems linked to incineration include some forms of cancer, heart disease, birth defects, allergies and breathing problems.
Should a mass incineration be ordered, crematoriums like the Cambridge Pet Crematorium may not be able to handle the load.
CNN: France supports slaughter of British cattle if necessary
Caerphilly, Cardiff, Monmouth, Carmarthen and Gwynedd councils plan to build Mechanical Biological treatment centres (MBTs) that will produce fuel for incineration.
Some local citizens' groups, helped by a number of their elected representatives, have challenged the conventional wisdom that incineration is best.
Val Barton, of the Campaign Against the Incineration of Rubbish, lives under the smokestack of the Byker Incinerator in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Support for waste incineration was rapidly diminishing around the world, he claimed.
BBC: King's Lynn waste incinerator plan under fire in Commons
There is no question that, even after the incineration of its cities, Japan still had the capacity to inflict unacceptable losses upon an invading army.
The report included findings such as the incinerator being "far too big" to meet the needs of the county, and that other waste solutions out-performed incineration.
It has faced consistent opposition from campaigners, including the Sinfin, Spondon and All Against Incineration (SSAIN), but finally got the go-ahead in September after a public inquiry.
Friends of the Earth wants to see higher recycling targets brought in, along with a tax on burning waste and the removal of current financial incentives for incineration.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cornwall | Waste disposal restrictions start
Simon Bacon, chairman of Sinfin, Spondon and all Against Incineration (SSAIN), said the judge will rule on whether the plant is mainly a disposal facility or a recovery facility.
The largest one, the Tuas South Incineration Plant, cranks out 80 megawatts of electricity, one-fifth of which powers the plant and four-fifths of which is sold to Singapore Power.
The EU has identified construction and demolition waste as a priority waste stream which means that policies and measures ensuring increased recycling of CND waste versus landfill and incineration will take priority.
Putting the bakery goods and coffee grounds through a biorefining process would also have the added benefit of keeping a lot of waste out of the waste stream while also reducing pollution from incineration.
The preferred mode in Europe is to build not a few hugely expensive incineration behemoths but a larger number of smaller, community-based utilities that burn trash to provide electricity and heat through underground conduits.
The army reckons it will take about 32 months to build the incinerator, 16 months to disassemble and prepare the weapons for incineration, and about a year to shut down the plant and decontaminate the site.
"This is despite the fact that 42% of people in the borough and 74% in Norfolk overall (including King's Lynn) state that Energy from Waste incineration is their preferred option after recycling, " a spokeswoman for Cory Wheelabrator said.
BBC: Residents overwhelmingly reject King's Lynn incinerator