In her opening, Irina Bokova spoke out against recent acts, driven by intolerance and ignorance, that seek to incite hatred against the values and beliefs of other people.
UNESCO: Irina Bokova leads High Level Debate at the UN on Peace and Non-Violence | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
He said it would ask "serious questions" including whether rules for charities were too lax and allowed extremists to prosper, whether enough was being done to disrupt groups that incite hatred, and the problem of extremist groups in universities.
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"Last week's event was an attempt to incite sectarian violence and hatred against the Iraqi Sunni population in an effort to keep them from returning to Hurriya, " Stover said.
CNN: U.S. Embassy staff, soldiers killed in Baghdad blast
In a strongly worded statement, a U.S. State Department spokesman said Friday that the U.S. respects freedom of expression, but the publication of cartoons that incite religious or ethnic hatred is unacceptable.
CNN: Embassies torched in cartoon fury
It will create two new offences relating to behaviour deemed to "incite religious, racial or other forms of hatred".
BBC: Offensive Behaviour at Football stage 3 debate