• The children did well, with excellent exam results and plenty of places offered by highly-regarded universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

    ECONOMIST: Private education

  • For instance, some highly regarded law schools, including those at Northwestern University, Georgetown University, Cornell University, UCLA, Vanderbilt University and the University of Minnesota, are currently still allowing promising students to send in applications for the school year starting in August or September, even though the official deadlines passed months ago.

    WSJ: More Law Schools Haggle on Scholarships

  • Last year, several highly regarded managers shut down, including Bailey Coates, Marin Capital and Aman Capital.

    FORBES: Why Hedge Funds?

  • Kroenke Sports Enterprises and its U.S. football team, the Colorado Rapids, have a marketing alliance with Arsenal to promote the Gunners in the U.S., including via KSE's TV sports network, and make Arsenal's highly regarded player development expertise available to the Rapids.

    FORBES: Gunning for It All

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