You would expect that total to be higher among low income groups, and it is.
That indicates widespread and relatively even progress among all income groups over the period.
In most cases, ironically, their total tax burden is disproportionately higher than upper-income groups.
The pattern of future growth may, relatively speaking, favour today's low-income groups more than the better-off.
Unlike other federal programs, its existence may meaningfully impact college enrollments, improving access for low income groups.
Generally, no one wins (nor pushes through a successful agenda) without majority support from middle income groups.
You also see what going over the cliff would have meant to households in various income groups.
But gated communities have also grown in urban areas and among income groups other than the super wealthy.
The distribution of tax increases among households in each of the bottom four income groups is pretty flat.
This starker division of relative tax burdens can be explained by the inability of upper-income groups to shelter income.
He has the least doctrinaire tax plan in the Republican field, complete with tax breaks exclusively for middle-income groups.
On average, the highest-income 5 percent would pay less tax while those in all other income groups would pay more.
FORBES: Do The Math: Why Trimming Tax Breaks Won't Allow U.S. To Easily Cut Rates
While smoking has fallen by half among high income groups since 1970, there has been little change among the poor.
This allows for Facebook to reach many low-income groups in countries like India that cannot afford a laptop, smartphone or tablet.
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The Wisconsin congressman rejected criticism that his proposal would harm lower-income groups, saying it would instead create jobs and reduce inefficiency.
Those in upper-income groups with incomes above a million dollars a year tend to have a lower marginal propensity to consume.
"Certainly we are seeing people from very high income groups, " says Patel.
San Jose is home to a mix of ethnic and income groups, including tech executives from Silicon Valley and a fast-growing Vietnamese population.
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The gender divide is one of the most significant inequalities reflected within the digital divide which cuts across all social and income groups.
One other interesting fact that has resonance elsewhere: the polls indicate that the "no" campaign has its strongest support among lowest income groups.
It is unfortunate that the political rhetoric aimed at pitting folks in different income groups against each other is not supported by the facts.
With overall wages rising, especially for the low income groups, there is an enormous potential in the long run for the consumer retail market.
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In the event of a crash landing, these are the income groups that will see their total tax burden increase in pure percentage terms.
The earlier group enjoyed a high degree of mobility but the later one was less fortunate, suggesting that movement between income groups is slowing down.
While the charity acknowledges progress has been made in goals such as reducing child mortality, the report says this has been uneven across income groups.
Good news for upper-bracket investors: beginning in 2010, a magnificent tax-planning device known as the Roth conversion will be available to savers in all income groups.
So in focusing on averages within each income group, the realities of lower income groups will be compared to a misconception of the top income group.
Any top income group, whether you are measuring the top 1%, 5%, 10% or 20%, by definition has no income ceiling like the lower income groups.
That might explain why, of those who itemized their deductions in 2009, neither of those income groups topped the list of those claiming the medical expenses deduction.
He said that since 1993, all income groups have seen an increase, and it is most evident in the bottom 20 percent, which is up 16.3 percent.
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