Declining wages, less than one-quarter as many new jobs as in the previous eight years, smaller health care and pension benefits, rising povertyand the biggest increase in incomeinequality since the 1920s.
But the Bank added that poverty reduction was being held back by incomeinequalityand a reliance on mineral and mining exports in some African countries.
Once one of the most egalitarian of countries, Japan is now above average among rich nations in its income inequality and, at 14%, has the highest rate of children raised in poverty.
Latin America in particular now has an incomeinequality between the rich and the poor that is actually narrowing as social programs pull people out of povertyand into the middle class.
In its report entitled The Cost Of Inequality: How Wealth AndIncome Extremes Hurt Us All, the UK charity said that efforts to tackle poverty were being hindered by an "explosion in extreme wealth".