It takes 200 days to secure them and costs 2, 718% of national income per head.
Ordinary Tunisians' lives have improved, with income per head doubling in real terms since 1990.
Some talked of a coming boom that might take Russia's income per head above Spain's by 2010.
As recently as the early 1990s, India was as rich, in terms of national income per head.
Small countries can go on capturing shares in big world markets until their income per head catches up.
Officially, one Peruvian in two lives in poverty and income per head is below its level of 1973.
For a spell in the 1970s, revenues from phosphate mining gave Nauruans the world's largest income per head.
The ONS has looked at net national income per head, rather than the average wages that workers receive.
Saudi Arabia, for example, ranks below the Philippines and Indonesia in sophistication, despite having a higher income per head.
Income per head is still only 28% of the European and American average.
As a result, some Spanish regions where pre-tax income per head is lower than in Catalonia end up with higher post-tax income.
The relevant permits cost 131% of Indonesia's average annual income per head, compared with 20% in the Philippines and 7% in Thailand.
Most forecasters predict that Latin America's output will contract this year and recover only modestly next year, so income per head will shrink.
The gap between north and south in income per head may have narrowed a little, but the south is still about a third poorer.
National income per head, taking inflation into account, fell more than 13% since the start of 2008, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.
Real income per head in Mongolia fell by half between 1990 and 1992, according to the World Bank, and by another third the next year.
But by the eve of the first world war Britain's income per head had been overtaken by that of America, the 20th century's great power.
Measured by purchasing-power, Chile has overtaken Argentina in income per head.
And for all his economic development, Mississippi still has the lowest income per head of any state in the union, as it did when he took office.
Because, in the end, we can only get richer - raise our national income per head - if we can create more economic value with the same number of workers.
Nevertheless, income per head in the northern triangle, plus Nicaragua, rose by 1.6% a year between 1995 and 2009, barely above the Latin American average of 1.5%.
However, countries could make a number of reciprocal concessions, such as removing all controls on the movement of labour among countries with similar levels of income per head.
"We now have no child support and yet a hypothetical family next door with slightly less income per head will still have this extra income, " the 39-year-old said.
Keep that up for another ten years and Chile will have reached the level of income per head enjoyed today by countries such as Portugal or Greece, he adds.
His speech talked up Scotland's relatively strong position within the UK, with income per head beaten only by London and south-east England, and employment higher than the UK average.
Between 1979 and 1989, the average income per head of the three richest suburbs, as a multiple of that of the three poorest Chicago neighbourhoods, increased from eight to 15.
Suppose that over the next 50 years China's real income per head rose by an average of 4-5% a year, lifting it to a still-modest half of that in America today.