Regardless of why overjustification effects occur, it is incontrovertible that many incentives do not incentivize.
Sadness at being caught, at the incontrovertible knowledge that she will never forgive you.
This would force the prosecution to seek the death penalty only where it had incontrovertible proof.
He was not involved in the study but describes its findings as "incontrovertible evidence".
PA's most effective weapon would be incontrovertible signs that it is bringing violence under control.
The evidence is incontrovertible that they did not present to the Congress all of the same evidence they had.
" No reasonable person can read this and avoid the conclusion that APS is declaring the human impact "incontrovertible.
To overturn such an impression would require overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence, not vague recriminations from a few former employees.
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The incontrovertible bad behavior of the warmists has led skeptics to suspect base motives, and who could blame them?
The deleterious medical consequences of being overweight or obese should not even be debated at this point, because the findings are incontrovertible.
It is incontrovertible that Ben Bernanke is the chief architect of QE.
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And it is simply incontrovertible that the only viable approach to comprehensive deficit reduction, viable both economically and certainly politically, is a balanced approach.
But whatever it is, one fact remains incontrovertible, the people of Hartlepool chose a man in a monkey suit to be their new mayor.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Robin Cook MP, leader of the House of Commons
At Passover, millions of Jews forgo leavened grain and eat matzo, tricking out the cracker in various ways to mask its essential, incontrovertible blandness.
This is incontrovertible, but nevertheless jars awkwardly with the Barak government's diligent courting of the American-Jewish liberal lobby in support of its peace policy.
But of course if incontrovertible evidence were ever found that Mr Murdoch knew of or authorised the wrongdoing, well that would be a career-ending moment or worse.
That official defiance continued despite the Americans' increasingly incontrovertible presence.
Only Knox and Sollecito themselves may know which it is -- because nearly four years after Kercher's death, incontrovertible evidence about whether Knox and Sollecito were involved remains maddeningly elusive.
' In the APS it is OK to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible?
WSJ: Sixteen Concerned Scientists: No Need to Panic About Global Warming
For example, a comparative study of results before and after the defeat by Brazil could provide experts with incontrovertible proof of whether there is a "feel-good" factor involved in exam performance.
Indeed, what could be more logical and incontrovertible?
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It is an incontrovertible fact that an economy that was shrinking, contracting, at 8.9 percent in the final quarter of 2008, has, for the past I think 11 quarters or something like that, been growing.
What this means is rather than trying to catch every cheater you randomly sample for cheating and if you find incontrovertible proof then you impose a punishment so viciously harsh that fear of it deters all possible cheaters.
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This solid, stunning and serious exhibition of the work of the great Finnish architect, "Alvar Aalto: Between Humanism and Materialism" (up through May 26), delivers a clear, timeless and incontrovertible message: These are some of the most original and beautiful buildings of our time.
While I get that the facts and principles of American justice are not of any particular importance to Mr. Fund, his disregard for the same does not change the incontrovertible reality that that there have been precisely zero cases of proven voter fraud in Hamilton County stemming from the 2012 election.
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