Particularly as they increase productivity and gradually shrink the labor force through normal retirement and attrition.
At that time, cloud was recognized as a distant fourth as a means to increase productivity.
But goal setting must be prescribed in doses, not as a standard remedy to increase productivity.
As global competition increases, companies will go anywhere to find the necessary talent, increase productivity, and lower cost.
And it wants a programme of liberalisation and privatisation to promote competition, increase productivity and cut consumer-price inflation.
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The mechanism is that it is easier to increase productivity in manufacturing (or agriculture) than it is in services.
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The opportunity to use their preferred technology while at work boosts morale and offers familiarity that can increase productivity.
The study also said that instituting paid leave in countries (such as the U.S.) without it could increase productivity.
On the expense line, it can increase productivity and efficiency by eliminating redundant functions, adopting best practices and merging information systems.
But few, if any, have done it while continuing to increase productivity - output per head - by 6-7% a year.
By exercising a little discipline and eliminating down time at work, one could increase productivity by as much as 25 percent!
Increased biodiversity was a "happy by-product" of sustainable farming practices and farmers working with "natural processes" to increase productivity, she added.
Peter Nguyen, founder of Literati Institute is resolving to increase productivity in a big way by making a big change.
Businesses usually increase productivity or output per hour worked by developing labor-saving devices and processes, in recent years that has involved computers.
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For the long-term, the only way to increase productivity is through innovation.
Although watered-down in terms of union transparency, the bill has the potential to increase productivity, to boost employment, and to improve competitiveness.
Both increase productivity, which is higher output per unit of labor input.
Murrin formed a fund that will own 370, 000 acres of South African farmland by midyear, with plans to increase productivity through improved farming methods.
It will reward those who have sought simply to increase productivity.
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As companies strive to increase productivity and reduce costs, redundancies mount.
It was no surprise to me that a few entrepreneurs want to increase productivity in 2013, but the solutions to do so were very unique.
Mr Diaz-Canel has signalled that he favours more complex reforms as the country attempts to increase productivity, reduce imports and eventually abolish its much-resented dual currency.
The establishment of factories would increase productivity and quality control, and reduce the need to have the carpets washed, trimmed and finished by third parties in Pakistan.
Ford had already increased productivity through innovations in his production processes and believed that he could increase productivity further by competing for, and retaining, the best workers.
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Mandating a fixed threshold will also have the perverse effect of lessening incentives to increase productivity in health care and get lower prices from insurers, physicians and hospitals.
Independent IT solutions provider Champion Solutions Group is focused on cloud and virtualization services as well as data management solutions that reduce costs, increase productivity, and mitigate risks.
It does nothing to increase productivity but, to the extent that it distorts capital flows and investment decisions, it wastes our time and savings and reduces our long-term productivity.
FORBES: Three Examples (Or Is It One) Of How To Have A Lower Standard Of Living
When Sprint makes Office 365 available, it plans to bundle it with value-added services to create solutions that further increase productivity and unleash the power of today's mobile workforce.
ENGADGET: Sprint to begin offering Microsoft Office 365 for enterprise clientele
But I also know how you've managed to meet them, and managed through them -- experimenting and innovating and finding new ways to increase productivity and better serve your customers.
WHITEHOUSE: Forum on Modernizing Government: Opening Session
Businesses want to increase productivity, and workers want freedom.
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