Meanwhile, ever since Al Gore launched a training initiative to increase the productivity of air traffic controllers in 1998, productivity has continued to fall.
What Ford did was to dramatically increase the productivity of his workers, allowing him to build more cars than his competitors while using less labor.
Great sales executives understand that to increase the productivity of their sales people they need to continually invest in both product and sales effectiveness training.
But as well as reducing demands on the state, we can and will increase the productivity of the state - through proper public service reform.
Companies that have shown interest in the product include those that want to increase the productivity of their workforces by liberating them from their desks, Ostergaard said.
If you look at the relationship between the increase in productivity in the American economy and the increase in compensation, what you find is that beginning around the 1980s, there was a widening gap between productivity and compensation.
The only possible economic justification for Mr Greenspan's views is that the new economy has produced a productivity miracle: a permanent increase in the underlying rate of productivity growth that is capable of being sustained through a downturn.
And the stellar productivity figures increase the pace at which the economy can grow without fuelling inflation.
On investigation, 9.5% of the increase in productivity was down to home employees working more hours.
No doubt, Israeli engineers and seismologists would be able to increase the efficiency and productivity of existing wells and so increase their output.
Ultimately, though, the Mexican economy is going to depend also on changing some of the structures internally to increase productivity, to train the workforce there, so education in Mexico is going to be also very important.
The establishment of factories would increase productivity and quality control, and reduce the need to have the carpets washed, trimmed and finished by third parties in Pakistan.
Assuming that Professor Baumol is correct (and I certainly think he is but what does that matter?) then we should gain both the equity of all having access to health care while also enjoying the greater increase in productivity, in innovation, that markets do bring.
FORBES: Why Health Care Will Just Keep Getting More Expensive
Certainly the warm period increased the productivity of crops which led to an increase in population, the subsequent cooling (and more importantly, change in rainfall patterns) reduced agricultural productivity and led to hunger and starvation.
These safeguards, which have been largely modeled on successful practices in the private sector, will increase stability, productivity, and certainty in Federal contracting by avoiding the disruption and disarray caused by the use of trafficked labor and resulting investigative and enforcement actions.
No matter who wins the U.S. presidency, the gradual increase in economic productivity will eventually gain momentum.
FORBES: Energy Infrastructure: Critical to Economic Momentum
Now hoverbikes, in contrast strike me as more likely to increase worker marginal productivity all the way down the income ladder.
Although watered-down in terms of union transparency, the bill has the potential to increase productivity, to boost employment, and to improve competitiveness.
Also, in the economy apart from durables manufacturing, capital deepening more than explains the tiny increase in labour productivity all by itself.
When Sprint makes Office 365 available, it plans to bundle it with value-added services to create solutions that further increase productivity and unleash the power of today's mobile workforce.
ENGADGET: Sprint to begin offering Microsoft Office 365 for enterprise clientele
He noted that such a move was the only way to improve productivity and avoid an indefinite increase in the ratio of foreigners in the workforce.
Mr Greenspan is placing a lot of weight on the recent increase in America's productivity growth, which has helped offset faster wage growth, and may well have raised the economy's long-term growth rate.
Third, the global economic crisis, and the competition from rising economies, is driving employers to find new ways to increase productivity, cut costs and at the same time retain the best talent.
Recent studies suggest that this investment explains much of the increase in America's labour-productivity growth, to an average of almost 3% over the past five years, double the average in the previous 20 years.
Particularly as they increase productivity and gradually shrink the labor force through normal retirement and attrition.
As global competition increases, companies will go anywhere to find the necessary talent, increase productivity, and lower cost.
For the long-term, the only way to increase productivity is through innovation.
Mr Diaz-Canel has signalled that he favours more complex reforms as the country attempts to increase productivity, reduce imports and eventually abolish its much-resented dual currency.
It does nothing to increase productivity but, to the extent that it distorts capital flows and investment decisions, it wastes our time and savings and reduces our long-term productivity.
FORBES: Three Examples (Or Is It One) Of How To Have A Lower Standard Of Living
"The key factors are an increase in output, productivity and order books due to increased demand, " said Melinda Johnson of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, which carried out the survey.