To justify the ever-increasing cost of medical school, doctors need to seek higher compensation.
This would be the worst of all worlds: Stagnant property incomes and an increasing cost of capital.
The increasing cost of a college education has tightened the ties that bind.
FORBES: Why Entitled Millennials And Their Enabling Boomer Parents Just Can't Quit Each Other
The port, the third largest in the UK, was also affected by the increasing cost of dealing with pension deficits.
The increasing cost of developing high-tech products is only one of the reasons why technological choice is on the wane.
The cost of private motoring is predicted to fall even further, widening the gap with the increasing cost of public transport.
Mr Maude maintained that reforms were necessary because of the increasing cost of public sector pensions as more people live longer.
Meeting the ever-increasing cost of a four-year degree requires a mix of parental contributions, savings and financial aid, including scholarships and loans.
Mr McMeikan also said that the retailer would probably raise prices slightly this year to help cover the increasing cost of ingredients.
Unless companies can increase the returns on their pension funds, they will be at an increasing cost disadvantage compared with foreign rivals.
One policy concern that both sides of the aisle could and should address, however, is reigning in the rapidly increasing cost of college.
FORBES: Attacking Higher Ed Cost Inflation: Reform Academic Employment Policies
The increased price of fixed-rate home loans since then has been driven by the increasing cost of borrowing the funds on the financial markets.
Does the mandate further the governmental interest in increasing cost-free access to contraceptives by means that are least restrictive of the employer's religious freedom?
WSJ: Rivkin and Whelan: Birth-Control Mandate��Unconstitutional and Illegal
Today's servers are designed with a "one size fits most" approach incorporating many features and capabilities that can inefficiently utilize space and power, increasing cost.
ENGADGET: AMD unveils Open 3.0: an Opteron 6300 platform for the Open Compute Project
Rather, the steadily increasing cost of health care is to blame.
FORBES: What's The Matter With California's Sick Health Insurance Market?
Simultaneously, third-party vendors are rapidly increasing cost-per-fan, CPM, and so forth.
FORBES: Jingle Bust: Holidays Point To Trouble With Facebook Ads
But sports fees are helping to drive up cable rates, raising concerns among media executives that consumers will soon balk at the increasing cost of television.
He added that the increasing cost-effectiveness of the sequencing process was making it easier to choose strategically informative species rather than focusing on economically important ones, ie food crops.
The toxic combination of rising women's unemployment, cuts to welfare and the ever-increasing cost of living in the capital means that life for London's women is going to get tougher.
Investors seem to be concerned about what the increasing cost of mining will mean when coupled with a weaker gold price narrowing margins and more pressure on cash flows at gold mines.
FORBES: Gold Mining Stocks Still In Free Fall As Gold Price Stabilizes
He also thinks the company and its rivals should benefit significantly from being able to pass on the increasing cost of rubber and other raw materials because their prices were, in fact, stabilizing.
With young children at home needing care and an increasing cost of outsourcing that care, many families need to choose a parent to stay home while the other earns money with an occupation.
Without a doubt, Maine is asking for a lot here, and if granted, the plan would cost taxpayers more in the short run by increasing the cost of the ACA. Yet, what makes the Maine story so interesting is that it adds another example to the list of diverse strategies that are now popping up from states thinking about Medicaid expansion and reform.
FORBES: Maine to HHS: 10 Years of 100% Medicaid Certainty & A Global Waiver, Please
Competition seems to push up quality of care without increasing the cost of care.
President Obama has suggested increasing the cost of tickets by tacking on extra taxes and fees.
FORBES: Obama's Plan for Higher Airline Taxes Sees Not So Friendly Skies Ahead
Credit-rating agencies are likely to downgrade firms that face litigation, increasing the cost of financing.
Proposals to close all public toilets have been axed along with increasing the cost of hiring sports pitches.
The Rangers board caused dismay among many supporters by drastically increasing the cost of season tickets in the summer.
If we abolish tenure, the new market equilibrium would result in higher average salaries, thus further increasing the cost of education.
FORBES: Professor Tenure as Insurance: What the Wall Street Journal Debate Missed