Those two clubs rank as baseball's two top sports brands (see "The World's Top Sports Brands"), so the incrementalvalue Rodriguez brings in terms of ticket sales and TV ratings is limited.
Are you an executive responsible for driving incremental revenue to the company and delivering incrementalvalue to your stakeholders, but not very confident of the initiatives in place to achieve the 40% growth that has been mandated by the board?
Thinking about CRM as going beyond managing the existing customer relationship to managing the future customer relationship can help your sales people close deals with new customers as well as increase incremental customer lifetime value.
The company's turnkey in-app advertising platform helps developers acquire cost-effective, high-value new users, drive engagement within their applications, and create incremental income by providing an ad-funded payment method.
More precisely, adding collaborative technologies is not about adding incremental work to their existing load, but transforming how they do their existing tasks to drive additional value.