But neither incumbency nor Golkar's backing is a guarantee of victory, as Mr Sondakh's defeat illustrates.
Incumbency is a powerful barrier in industries, such as finance, where there are strong network effects.
If Rogan doesn't seek re-election, Republicans lose the advantage of incumbency in the district.
Moreover, the filing of the WTO case reveals some of the unseemly perquisites of incumbency.
Might the incumbency advantage save the Tories from the expected drubbing on May 1st?
And with constituency boundaries remaining unchanged, the power of that incumbency will be undiminished.
Apart from the obvious advantages of money and incumbency, it has developed an almost unbeatable structure.
He blamed the anti-incumbency factor, or the well-known penchant of voters to throw out governments every five years.
At the latest count, 73 are retiring, around one-fifth of the total, and their incumbency effect retires with them.
Yet the advantage of incumbency that helped him did not save unpopular governors.
VeriFone is continuing to prove that widespread incumbency combined with market-leading innovation is a winning formula for the payments marketplace.
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The House of Representatives can turn over in two years, and in 2006 it did, despite a modern incumbency bias.
Due to incumbency and age, both iOS and Android have a significantly larger pool of applications than any other mobile platform.
He has money, media and the power of incumbency to stage events.
"Seminar" publisher Singh debunked the general view that the outcome will be a close call, saying that the anti-incumbency factor is overstated.
In Britain, unlike America, the advantage of incumbency used to be weak.
But incumbency may still enable some Tories to cling on to seats which otherwise would have been swept away by a Blairite tide.
If she does make it to the run-off, she will have the benefits of incumbency to promote herself for the next two-and-a-half months.
She will be able to use all the benefits of incumbency to promote her candidacy over the next two and a half months.
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MPs who had won for this first time in 1987, and were therefore benefiting from an incumbency effect for the first time in 1992.
Another reason for a new golden age of small companies is that size and incumbency breed inertia, faster than ever--even in the best of companies.
That suggests incumbency was not a factor in the original result.
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It's not really that simple, but there's no denying that incumbency has its advantages in a re-election campaign, as this week's "How it Works" explains.
But another reason Mr Brown is safe is that he has deprived himself of what ought to be one of the few advantages of long incumbency.
An unusually large number of Republicans are standing down this year, leaving no fewer than 28 seats for the party to defend without the benefit of incumbency.
ECONOMIST: Will the Democrats be able to hold on, and for how long?
Bush is selling change and Gore is selling incumbency, and now that the veep has made himself at least a believable president, incumbency may be starting to look good.
"The power of incumbency was on full display when Rep. Charlie Rangel won his primary on Tuesday, " said Thomas Schatz, president of Citizens Against Government Waste, a watchdog group.
CNN: Rangel as resilient as Harlem-area district he represents
Nonetheless, when he took over, it was widely accepted that he was starting with a blank slate as a number of players retired at the end of Craig Brown's incumbency.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Internationals | Vogts had to pay price for failure
Adam: Incumbency breeds bias against real progress for sustainability.
National incumbency seems actually to have helped the party.